Agorwyd teml yr Arglwydd yn y nef

1,(2,3,(4,5,6));  1,2,3,5;  1,2,4,5,6;  1,4,5;  1,4,6.
(Iawn ac eiriolaeth Crist - Dat. 11.9.)
Agorwyd teml yr Arglwydd yn y nef,
A gwelwyd arch ei lân gyfammod Ef;
  Holl ryfeddodau Person
      Crist a'i waith
  A welir yno i dragwyddoldeb maith.

Cyfiawnder Duw sydd
    yno'n ddysglaer iawn,
A'r gyfraith bur
    bob iot ohoni'n llawn;
  Ond i bechadur melys yw y sain,
  Fod trugareddfa hefyd
      rhwng y rhain.

Y tanllyd gledd fu'n
    effro iawn cyn hyn,
Taranau a mellt ofnadwy
    Sinai fryn,
  Sy'n awr yn dawel yn yr Arch ddi lyth,
      a'u tawelodd byth.

Mae'r Archoffeiriad yn taenella'r gwaed,
Mewn gwisgoedd sanctaidd,
    llaesion, hyd ei draed:
  O fewn y llen,
      sancteiddiaf lŷs y nef,
  Ac enwau'r llwythau
      ar ei ddwyfron Ef.

Priodoliaethau'r nefoedd yn gytûn
Sydd yno'n gwenu ar golledig ddyn;
  Mae hedd yn awr o'r nef
      i'r llawr yn lli',
  A noddfa gref o fewn y nef i ni.

Crist ydyw'r arch a'r drugareddfa rad,
Yn enw Hwn anturiwn at y Tad,
  Fe wrendy gŵyn pechadur
      heb ei ladd,
  Fe gymmer blaid
      yr enaid isel radd.
James Hughes (Iago Trichrug) 1779-1844

Tonau []:
Bartholdy (o Mendelssohn 1809-47)
Birmingham (alaw Gymreig)
Clod (alaw Gymreig)
Freyburg (o Freylinghausen)
Holly (George Hews 1806-73)
Navarre (Salmydd Genefa)
Penfro (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Toulon (<1875)
Truro (<1875)
Warsaw (<1835)

(The Atonement and intercession of Christ - Rev. 11:9)
The Lord's temple was opened in heaven,
And seen was the ark of His holy covenant;
  All the wonders of the Person
      of Christ and his work
  Are to be seen there for a vast eternity.

God's righteousness is
    there very much shining,
And the pure law with
    every jot of it fulfilled;
  But to sinners sweet is the sound,
  That there is a mercy-seat
      also between these.

The flaming sword was
    very alert before this,
Terrible thunders and lightening
    of Sinai hill,
  Which are now quiet in the unfailing Ark,
  The word FINISHED has
      stilled them forever.

The High-priest pours out his blood,
In holy, flowing vestments
    down to his feet:
  Within the curtain,
      the most holy court of heaven,
  And the names of the tribes
      on His breast.

The attributes of the heavens in agreement
Are there smiling on lost man;
  There is now peace from heaven
      to earth as a flood,
  And a strong refuge within heaven for us.

Christ is the ark and the free mercy-seat,
In His name let us venture to the Father,
  He will hear the complaint of the sinner
      without killing him,
  He will take the side
      of the soul of low degree.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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