Am hyfryd oleu'r dydd

Am hyfryd oleu'r dydd,
  Dyrchafwn glodydd glân
I ti, O Dduw, dy ddoniau sydd
  Yn haeddu newydd gân:
Am nawdd dy aden gref,
  Yn nhywyll oriau'r nos,
Ein mawl ddyrchafwn hyd y nef
  I ti, bob dydd o'n hoes.

Agori'th lydan law,
  Diwelli bob peth byw;
Bob bore dy ddaioni ddaw
  O'r nef, i'n cadw'n fyw.
Rho gymorth, Arglwydd mawr,
  I ni bob awr o'r dydd,
I ochel temptasiynau'r llawr,
  A byw yn awr trwy ffydd.
Agori'th lydan :: Agori Di dy

W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
    Leominster (George W Martin c.1825-81)
    Pererin (alaw Gymreig)

For the lovely light of day,
  We lift holy praises
To thee, O God, thy gifts which
  Deserve a new song:
For the refuge of thy strong wing,
  In the dark hours of the night,
Our praise we lift up to heaven
  To thee, every day of our life.

Thou dost open thy wide hand,
  Thou dost satisfy every living thing;
Every morning thy goodness comes
  From heaven, to keep us alive.
Give help, great Lord,
  To us every hour of the day,
To avoid the temptation's of earth,
  And live now through faith.
Thou openest thy wide :: Thou openest thy

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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