Angau/Angeu ac eiriolaeth Crist

(Iawn Grist)
Angau ac eiriolaeth Crist
   Yw 'ngorfoledd;
Hyn a ddwg i'm henaid trist
   Lawn dangnefedd:
Collai'r ddeddf ei damniol rym
   Ar Galfaria;
Dofwyd llid cyfiawnder llym,

Iesu yw difyrwch f'oes,
   Yn fy mlinfyd;
Ac ymffrostiaf yn ei groes
   Tros fy mywyd:
Dan ei gysgod, nos a dydd,
   Gwnaf fy nhrigfa;
Fy nhŵr cadarn byth a fydd,

Iesu a'i gyfiawnder Ef,
   Yw fy mywyd,
A phreswylied doniau'r nef
   Yn fy ysbryd:
Golchir fi o'm pen i'm traed
   Fel yr eira,
Trwy rinweddau dwyfol waed,

Mae fy Mhrynwr heddyw'n fyw,
   Ac yn eiriol;
Sail eiriolaeth drosof yw
   Iawn digonol;
Ei waith ynof yn y man
   A berffeithia;
Gorfoleddaf yn fy rhan,
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [7474D]:
Christmas (alaw Gymreig)
Emyn y Pasg / Easter Hymn (Henry Carey 1692-1743)
Haverland (Myles B Forster 1851-1922)
San Remo (Frederick A J Hervey 1846-1910)

(The Atonement of Christ)
The death and intercession of Christ
   Is my jubilation;
He shall bring to my sad soul
   Full peace:
The law would lose its condemnatory force
   On Calvary;
Tamed was the wrath of keen righteousness,

Jesus is the delight of my age,
   In my weary world;
And I will boast in his cross
   Over my life:
Under his shadow, night and day,
   I will make my dwelling;
My firm tower forever he shall be,

Jesus with His righteousness,
   Is my life,
And let the gifts of heaven dwell
   In my spirit:
I am to be washed from my head to my feet
   Like the snow,
Through the merits of divine blood,

My Redeemer is today alive,
   And interceding;
The basis of his intercession for me is
   Sufficient atonement;
His work in me soon
   Shall perfect;
I will rejoice for my part,
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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