Anghrediniaeth gad fi'n llonydd

Anghrediniaeth, gad fi'n llonydd,
  Onid e mi godaf lef
O'r dyfnderoedd, lle'r wy'n gorwedd,
  Fry yn lân i ganol nef.
Brawd sydd yno'n eiriol drosof,
  Nid wyf angof nos na dydd;
Brawd a dyr fy holl gadwynau,
  Brawd a ddaw â'r caeth
    yn rhydd.

'Chydig ffydd, ble'r wyt ti'n llechu?
  Cymer galon, gwna dy ran.
Obaith egwan, ble'r wyt tithau?
  Tyn dy gleddau gyda'r gwan.
Anghrediniaeth, cilia o'r llwybr,
  Phery'r frwydyr ddim yn hir;
Er mai eiddil yw fy enw,
  Eto i gyd 'rwy'n ennill tir.

              - - - - -

Anghrediniaeth, gad fi'n llonydd,
  Onid e mi godaf lef
O'r dyfnderoedd, lle 'rwy'n gorwedd,
  I fyny'n lân i ganol nef.
Brawd sydd yno'n eiriol drosof,
  Nid wy'n angof nos na dydd;
Brawd a dyr fy holl gadwynau,
  Brawd a ddaw â'r caeth
    yn rhydd.

'Chydig ffydd, ble 'rwyt ti'n llechu?
  Cymer galon, gwna dy ran.
Obaith egwan, ble 'rwyt tithau?
  Tyn dy gledd o blaid y gwan.
Anghrediniaeth, ffo o'r llwybr,
  Nid rhaid imi frwydro'n hir;
Er mai eiddil yw fy enw,
  Eto i gyd 'rwy'n ennill tir.
David Williams (Dafydd Wiliam) c.1718-1794

Bryngogarth (William Roberts 1862-1912)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)

Unbelief, leave me peaceful,
  Or else I shall raise a cry
From the depths, where I am lying,
  Up above clean to the centre of heaven.
A brother is there pleading for me,
  I am not forgetful night or day;
A brother who breaks all my chains,
  A brother who brings the captive
    to be free.

A little faith, where art thou hiding?
  Take heart, do thy part.
Faint hope, and where art thou?
  Draw thy sword on behalf of the weak.
Unbelief, flee from the path,
  No need for me to battle long;
Although feeble is my name,
  Yet still am I gaining ground.

                - - - - -

Unbelief, leave me peaceful,
  Or else I shall raise a cry
From the depths, where I am lying,
  Up above clean to the centre of heaven.
A brother is there pleading for me,
  I am not forgetful night or day;
A brother who breaks all my chains,
  A brother who brings the captive
    to be free.

A little faith, where art thou hiding?
  Take heart, do thy part.
Faint hope, and where art thou?
  Draw thy swords with the weak.
Unbelief, retreat from the path,
  The battle will not continue long;
Although feeble is my name,
  Yet still am I gaining ground.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
Unbelief, let me have quiet
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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