Ar y groes yr hoeliwyd Iesu Droes ein pechodau ni, A'i Fam wrth y groes yn sefyll A'i dagra'n llifo'n lli. Trwy'r gwaed ar y groes a dywalltwyd Trwy dy ddagrau yn lifo'n lli, Anwylyd calon yr Iesu, Gweddïa drosom ni. Oer oedd dy wynt, Calfaria, I gorff y dwyfol Oen, Gobennydd drain a daenwyd Dan ei ben mewn dirfawr boen. Caled y byd iti, Iesu, Caled ar hyd dy oes, Gan ddechrau yng ngwellt y preseb, Gan darfod ar bren y groes. Fe ymgrymwn dan dy groesbren Ac erfyniwn arnat ti Gystuddiedig galon Iesu, Dosturio wrthym ni.Henry Bailey Hughes 1833-87 Tôn: Ar y groes (Henry Bailey Hughes 1833-87) |
On the cross Jesus was nailed For our sins, And his Mother by the cross standing With her tears flowing as a flood. Through the blood on the cross which was poured Through thy tears flowing as a flood, Dear heart of Jesus, Pray for us. Cold was thy wind, Calvary, To the body of the divine Lamb, A pillow of thorns was spread Under his head in agonising pain. Hard the world to thee, Jesus, Hard throughout thy life, While starting in the straw of the manger While dying on the wood of the cross. We bow beneath thy wooden cross And beseech thee Afflicted heart of Jesus, Have mery upon 2011 Richard B Gillion |