Arhosaf yng nghysgod fy Nuw

Arhosaf yng nghysgod fy Nuw,
  I mewn yn nirgelwch y nef;
Dan adain ei gariad 'rwy'n byw,
  Fe'm gwrendy
      cyn clywed fy llef:
Pe curai trallodion yn hy
  I'm herbyn fyl tonnau y môr,
Mi ganaf wrth deimlo mor gry' -
  Fy nghraig a'm cadernid yw'r Iôr.

Nid ofnaf rhag dychryn y nos
  Na'r saeth a ehedo y dydd;
Diogel bob munud o'm hoes
  A fyddaf yng nghastell fy ffydd;
Eiddilaf ryfelwr wyf fi
  I ymladd â nerthoedd y ddraig,
Ond caf fuddugoliaeth a bri
  A Duw hollalluog yn graig.
Henry Lloyd (Ap Hefin) 1870-1946

Tonau [88.88.D]:
Edom (Thomas Evans ?-1824)
Edom (Owen Roberts 1853-1938)
Glanrhondda (W T Rees 1838-1904)
Salome (alaw Gymreig)

I will stay in the shadow of my God,
  Within the safety of heaven;
Under the wings of his love I am living,
  He will listen to me
      before hearing my cry:
If troubles should beat proudly
  Against me like the waves of the sea,
I will sing while feeling so strong -
  My rock and my stronghold is the Lord.

I shall not fear the terror of the night
  Nor the arrow that flies by day;
Safe every minute of my lifespan
  I shall be in the castle of my faith;
The feeblest warrior am I
  To fight with the forces of the dragon,
But I shall get victory and renown
  With almighty God as a rock.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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