Arwain fi o dŷ caethiwed

(Tyn Fi)
Arwain fi o dŷ caethiwed,
  Dwg fi o'm crwydradau pell,
Portha f'enaid yn yr anial
  Â grawnsypiau gwlad sydd well:
    Tyn fy, Iesu,
  Beunydd atat Ti dy Hun.

Dena 'nghalon i â'th gariad,
  Tyn fi â'th drugaredd gref,
Boed fy enaid iti'n eiddo,
  Tithau'n eiddo iddo ef,
    Mewn cyfamod
  Na ddiddymir tra fo'r nef.

Gad dy enw ar fy nhafod,
  Pan ei troir gan angau'n fud;
Dal dy groes o flaen fy llygad,
  Pan fo'n cau
      ar bethau'r byd:
    Derbyn f'ysbryd
  I'th lawenydd dwyfol Di.
John Cadvan Davies (Cadfan) 1846-1923

Tôn [878747]: Tamworth
    (Charles Lockhart 1745-1815)

(Draw Me)
Guide me from the house of captivity,
  Lead me from my distant wanderings,
Feed my soul in the desert
  With grape-clusters of a better land:
    Draw me, Jesus,
  Daily towards Thee Thyself.

Attract my heart with thy love,
  Draw me with thy strong mercy,
May my soul be thy property,
  And thou its property,
    In a covenant
  Not to be abolished while ever heaven be.

Let thy name be on my tongue,
  When it is turned by death mute;
Hold thy cross before my eyes,
  When they be closing upon
      the things of the world:
    Receive my spirit
  Into Thy divine joy.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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