Awn drwy fydd i Feth'lem Iudah

Awn drwy fydd
    i Feth'lem Iudah,
  I gael golwg ar Fab Duw;
Wedi 'mddangos mewn naturiaeth
  A chnawdoliaeth dynol ryw.
    Heb un pechod
  Yn ei berson purlan ef.

Dyma Geidwad wedi'i eni,
  Dyma Brynwr byw i ni;
Talodd ef ein holl ddyledion,
  Ar brydnawn yng Nghalfari.
    Moliant iddo
  Byth am garu teulu dyn.

Boed i'r Tad, a'r Mab,
    a'r Ysbryd,
  Un Duw hyfryd diwahân,
Mewn gorfoledd bob gwir foliant,
  A gononiant fyth ar gân.
  Unwn glod i'w enw glân.
Casgliad Daniel Jones 1863

[Mesur: 878747]

Let us go through faith
    to Bethlehem of Judah,
  To get a look at the Son of God;
Having shown himself in the nature
  And the corporeality of human kind.
    Without any sin
  In his pure and holy person.

Here is a Saviour having been born,
  Here is a living Redeemer for us;
He paid all our debts,
  On an afternoon in Calvary.
    Praise to him
  Forever for loving the family of man.

Let there be to the Father, and the Son,
    and the Spirit,
  One delightful, inseparable God,
In the jubilation of all true praise,
  And glory forever in song.
  Let us unite honour to his holy name.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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