Bendithia ni Iachawdwr hael

Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go

1,2,4;  1,3,4.
Bendithia ni, Iachawdwr hael,
  Cyn mynd yn awr o'r demel hon,
A phâr i bawb o'th weision gael
  Dy nefol hedd o dan eu bron;

    Trwy oriau'n hoes,
        yn angau du,
    O lesu da, bydd gyda ni.

Aeth heibio'r dydd a'i oriau'n llwyr,
  A gwelaist, Iôr,
     bob peth a fu;
Ein mynych gwymp tydi a'i gŵyr,
  A gwaeledd ein daioni ni;

Rho in, O! Dduw, o'th gariad mawr,
  Faddeuant llawn, a gwir ryddhad;
Bendithia ni fwy-fwy bob awr
  Â phurdeb a'th holl ddoniau mad:

Rho hefyd in lawenydd llawn,
  A mwyniant llwyr o'th hyfryd hedd,
Calonnau glân i'th garu'n iawn,
  A gobaith cryf cael
      gweld dy wedd:
Rho hefyd in :: Rho in, O! Dduw
mwyniant llwyr :: mwyniant gwir
Calonnau glân :: Rho galon lân

cyf. Hugh Hughes (Gethin) m.1867

Tôn [888888]:
Glyn Rhosyn / Das Neugeborne Kindelein
    (M Vulpius / J S Bach)
St Catherine (H F Hemy / J G Walton)

Bless us, generous Saviour,
  Before we go now from this temple
And let all of thy servants continue to have
  Thy heavenly peace under their breast;

    Through the hours of our life,
        in black death,
    O good Jesus, be with us.

The day is passing and its hours completely,
  And thou hast seen, Lord,
      everything that has been;
Our frequent fall thou who knowest it 
  And the paltriness of our goodness;

Give us, O God, of thy great love,
  Full forgiveness, and true freedom;
Bless us more and more every hour
  With purity and all thy esteemed gifts:

Give us also full joy
  And full enjoyment of thy lovely peace;
Clean hearts to love thee well
  And a strong hope to be able
      to see thy face:
Give us also :: Give us, O God,
full enjoyment :: true enjoyment
Clean hearts :: Give a clean heart

tr. 2008,13 Richard B Gillion

Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go;
  Thy Word into our minds instill,
And make our lukewarm hearts to glow
  With lowly love and fervent will.

   Through life's long day
       and death's dark night,
   O gentle Jesus, be our Light.

The day is done, its hours have run,
  And Thou hast taken
    count of all,
The scanty triumphs grace hath won,
  The broken vow, the frequent fall.

Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways
  True absolution and release:
And bless us, more than in past days,
  With purity and inward peace.

Do more than pardon; give us joy,
  Sweet fear, and sober liberty,
And simple hearts without alloy
  That only long
      to be like Thee.

1849 Frederick W Faber 1814-63

Christchurch (1861 Frederick A Gore-Ouseley 1825-89)
In Tenebris Lumen (1875 John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)
Lodsworth (English traditional melody)
St Matthias (1861 William H Monk 1823-89)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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