Bererinion yn yr anial

Bererinion yn yr anial,
  Ac ymhell o dir eich gwlad,
Yn hiraethu am gael gweled
  Drysau euraid
      tŷ eich Tad;
Er yng nghanol gorthrymderau
  Cewch orffwyso maes o law,
Pan gyrhaeddoch ben yr yrfa
  Yn y Wynfa'r ochor draw.

Bererinion yn yr anial,
  Ewch ymlaen o nerth i nerth,
Er wynebu blin ystormydd
  Ac er dringo creigiau serth;
Wedi maeddu eich gelynion
  Cewch y goron ar eich pen,
A mwynhau'r digrifwch bythol
  Sydd gerbron yr orsedd wen.

Bererinion yn yr anial,
  Er mor ddyrys yw y daith,
Rhodio'r ydych hyd y llwybrau
  Droediwyd gan fyrddiynau maith;
Clywch yr anthem orfeleddus
  Yn deffro y nefoedd fry, -
Dywed iddynt oll orchfygu
  Trwy fod llaw eu Duw o'u tu.
David Rowlands (Dewi Môn) 1836-1907

Tôn [8787D]: Gwalia (alaw Gymreig)

Ye pilgrims in the desert,
  And far from the land of your country,
Longing to get to see
  The golden doors of
      your Father's house;
Although in the midst of afflictions
  Ye shall get to rest soon,
When ye reach the end of your course
  In the Blessed-place of yonder side.

Ye pilgrims in the desert,
  Go ye forward from strength to strength,
Although facing grievous storms
  And although climbing steep rocks;
Having beaten your enemies
  Ye shall get the crown on your head,
And enjoy the everlasting pleasure
  Which is before the white throne.

Ye pilgrims in the desert,
  Although so troublesome is the journey,
Walking ye are along the paths
  Trod by vast myriads;
Hear ye the jubilant anthem
  Awakening the heavens above, -
Be it said they all overcame
  Through God's hand being on their side.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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