Bugail Israel sydd ofalus

(See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand)

1,2,3,4;  1,2,4,3.
(Crist yn derbyn Plant)
Bugail Israel sydd ofalus
  Am ei dyner annwyl ŵyn;
Mae'n eu galw yn groesawus
  Ac yn eu cofleidio'n fwyn.

"Gedwch iddynt ddyfod ataf,
  Ac na rwystrwch hwynt," medd ef,
"Etifeddiaeth lân, hyfrytaf
  I'r fath rai yw teyrnas nef."

Dewch, blant bychain, dewch at Iesu,
  Ceisiwch ŵyneb Brenin nef;
Hoff eich gweled yn dynesu
  I'ch bendithio ganddo ef.

Deuwn, Arglwydd, â'n rhai bychain,
  A chyflwynwn hwynt i ti;
Eiddot mwyach ni ein hunain
  A'n hiliogaeth gyda ni.
cyf. Morris Davies 1796-1876

Tonau [8787]:
Anna (J Charles McLean 1875-1952)
Bugail Israel (Tom Price 1857-1925)
  Glan-y-Nant (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
Hannah (alaw Almaenig)
Lausanne (H A César Malan 1787-1864)
Omni Die (1631 Corner's Gesangbuch)
Redhead (Richard Redhead 1820-1901)

(Christ receiving Children)
The Shepherd of Israel is caring
  For his dear, tender lambs;
He is calling them welcomingly
  And embracing them gently.

"Let them come to me,
  And do not obstruct them," he said,
"The most delightful, holy inheritance,
  To this kind is the kingdom of heaven."

Come, little children, come to Jesus,
  Seek the face of the King of heaven;
Enjoying seeing you approaching
  For you to be blessed by him.

We bring, Lord, our little ones,
  And present them to thee;
Henceforth we ourselves belong to thee
  And our progeny with us.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand
  With all-engaging charms;
Hark! how he calls the tender lambs,
  And folds them in his arms.

"Permit them to approach," he cries,
  "Nor scorn their humble name;
For 'twas to bless such souls as these
  The Lord of angels came."

Ye little flock, with pleasure hear;
  Ye children, seek His face,
And fly with transport to receive
  The blessings of His grace.

We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands,
  And yield them up to thee;
Joyful that we ourselves are thine,
  Thine let our offspring be.
Philip Doddridge 1702-51

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Amazing Grace / New Britain (Virginia Harmony 1831)
Dublin/Howard (J A Stevenson 1762-1833)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)
Serenity (1836 William V Wallace 1812-65)
Soho (1881 Joseph Barnby 1838-96)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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