Bydd lawen iawn Ferch Seion

Bydd lawen iawn, Ferch Seion,
  A chân am wiwlon wawr;
Merch Salem deg, chrechwena,
  A gorfoledda'n awr;
Y mae dy Frenin hynod
  Yn dyfod attat, clyw,
Un cyfiawn ac Achybydd yw efe,
  Dy hoff Waredydd yw.

Dyoddefa'n fwyn a thirion
  I'th gadw, Sïon wan;
Ar asyn mae i'w weled
  Yn myned tua'r man;
Mewn heddwch y teyrnasa,
  Trwy rym ei gariad drud;
Bydd Iesu a'i lywodraeth
  Yn bennaeth dros y byd.

I'r Brenin doeth tragwyddol,
  Arfarwol fythol Fod,
Yr unig doeth iachawdwr,
  Ein Prynwr, byddo'r clod:
Dyrchefir yn dragywydd
  Ein Enw yn y byd;
Hosanna i Fab Dafydd
  A fydd y gân o hyd.
Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

Tôn [7676D]: St Theodulph
    (Melchior Teschner 1584-1635)

Be very joyful, Daughter of Zion,
  And sing of an excellent dawn;
Fair Daughter of Salem, laugh,
  And be jubilant now;
Thy notable King is
  Coming to thee, hear,
An upright one and Saviour is he,
  Thy beloved Deliver he is.

Suffering meekly and tender
  To keep thee, weak Zion;
On an ass he is seen
  Going to the place;
In peace he shall reign,
  Through the force of his costly love;
Jesus and his government shall be
  Chief over the world.

To the King wise, eternal,
  Immortal an everlasting Being,
The only wise saviour,
  Our Redeemer, be the praise:
To be exalted in eternity is
  His name in the world;
Hosanna to the Son of David
  Shall be the song always.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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