"Byth bythoedd gyda Duw!" Amen; poed felly bo: Cael bywyd o farwolaeth yw, Heb dranc, na thrai, na thro. 'R wyf yma'n rhwymau'r corff Yn crwydro hebddo Ef; Er hyn bob nos lluestu'r wyf Daith dydd yn nes i dref. O! uchel dŷ fy Nhad, A chartref f'enaid draw, Mor agos weithiau i lygad ffydd Fydd d'euraid byrth gerllaw! Bydd f'ysbryd yn dyheu Am dreiddio i'r ardal gu, I etifeddiaeth glaer y saint Ym mro Caersalem fry. "Byth bythoedd gyda Duw!" Fy Nhad, os Ti a'i myn, Cywira im addewid fawr Y ffyddlon eiriau hyn. Ar fy neheulaw'n borth Bydd Di, ac ni lesgāf; Dal fi i'r lan, a safaf byth; Brwydro a threchu a wnaf. A phan fo f'olaf ffun Yn rhwygo'r llen yn ddwy, Trwy angau dof o angau'n rhydd, I fyw'n dragywydd mwy. Ac o'i adnabod Ef, Bydd hoff y geiriau gwiw, A'm cān o flaen yr orsedd fydd - "Byth bythoedd gyda Duw!"cyf. John Morris-Jones 1864-1929
Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Woodbury/Montgomery |
"Forever and ever with God!" Amen; may it be so: Getting life from death it is, Without perishing, or ebbing, or turning. I am here bodily bound Wandering without Him; Despite this every night I am camping A day's journey nearer home. O high house of my Father, And home of my soul yonder, So close at times to the eye of faith The golden gates will be at hand! My spirit will be longing To enter the dear region, To the bright inheritance of the saints In the vale of Jerusalem above. "Forever and ever with God!" My Father, if thou insist on it, Confirm to me the great promise Of these faithful words. On my right hand as succour Be Thou, and I shall not faint; Hold me up, and I shall stand forever; Fight and overcome I shall. And when there is my last breath Rending the curtain in two, Through death I shall come free from death, To live in eternity evermore. And from knowing Him, My favourite, worthy words shall be, And my song before the throne shall be - "Forever and ever with God!"tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |
"Forever with the Lord!" Amen, so let it be! Life from His death is in that word 'Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, how near At times to faith's foreseeing eye Thy golden gates appear! Ah! then my spirit faints To reach the land I love, The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above. "Forever with the Lord!" Forever in His will, The promise of that faithful word, Lord, here in me fulfill. With You at my right hand, Then I shall never fail; Uphold me, Lord, and I shall stand, Through grace I will prevail. So when my latest breath Breaks through the veil of pain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. That resurrection word, That shout of victory: Once more, "Forever with the Lord!" Amen, so let it be!James Montgomery 1771-1854
Tunes [DSM 6686D]: |