Cenir mwy am Fethlem Jwda
Cofir mwy am Fethlem Jwda

(Y Gân am gadw'r Byd)
Cenir mwy am Fethlem Jwda,
  Testun cân pechadur yw;
Cofir am y preseb hwnnw
  Fu'n hyfrydwch cariad Duw:
    Dwed o hyd pa mor ddrud
  Iddo Ef oedd cadw'r byd.

Cenir mwy am Gethsemane,
  Lle'r ymdrechodd Mab y Dyn:
Cofir am y weddi ddyfal
  A weddïodd wrtha'i Hun:
     Dwed o hyd pa mor ddrud
   Iddo Ef oedd cadw'r byd.

Cenir am y croesbren garw
  Lle y cuddiwyd ŵyneb Duw;
Lle gorffennodd Iesu farw,
  Lle dechreuais innau fyw;
     Dwed o hyd pa mor ddrud
  Iddo Ef oedd cadw'r byd.

Melys dreulir tradwyddoldeb
  Maith, yng ngolwg Calfarî;
Iesu Grist, ei Groes, a'r breseb
  Fydd yn nefoedd byth i ni:
     Canu 'nghyd, pa mor ddrud
  Iddo ef oedd cadw'r byd!
Cenir :: Cofir

Eliseus Williams (Eifion Wyn) 1867-1926

Tonau [8787337]:
    Llanbadarn (R S Hughes 1853-93)
    Moldavia (alaw Almaenaidd)
    Priscilla (D J James 1743-1831)
    Sardis (alaw Gymreig)
    Talgarth (D Jenkins 1849-1915)

(The Song about saving the World)
Sing more about Bethlehem of Judah,
  The theme of the song of sinners it is;
Remember that crib
  Which was the delight of the love of God:
    Tell still how more costly
  To Him who saved the world!

Sing more about Gethsemane,
  Where the Son of Man struggled:
Remembered the ernest prayer
  Which he prayed about Himself:
    Tell still how more costly
  To Him who saved the world!

Sing about the rough cross
  where God's face was hidden;
Where Jesus finished dying,
  Where I began to live;
    Tell still how more costly
  To Him who saved the world!

Sweetly spend a vast
  Eternity, in view of Calvary;
Jesus Christ, his Cross, and the crib
  Will ever be heaven to us:
    Sing together, how more costly
  To Him who saved the world!
Sing (To be sung) :: Remember (To be remembered)

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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