Chwythed y deheu-wynt hyfryd Ar fy yspryd llesg dirym, Fel gwasgaro'r tew gymhylau, Sydd rhyngof a'r nefolaidd fryn: Gwasgara'th ennaint peraroglus, I gonglau pella nghalon oer, Na'd un gongl heb ei llanw, A'th ras sydd anherfynol fôr. Arglwydd agor dy ffynhonnau, A dyfyrha fy enaid sych; Rho i mi deimlo nefol awel, Rho i mi glywed swn dy glych: Awel rymmus wna 'mi ganu, A dyfal gyrchu at y nôd, Awel wna i'm hyspryd lammu, A'th enw dithau gaiff y clod. Awel gref o fynydd Sion, Anwyl Iesu, sy arna'i chwant, Awel gref wna i mi ganu Ar nefol dannau gyd â'r plant; Awel hyfryd ddaw â'm henaid O'm caethiwed oll yn rhydd, Awel hyfryd wna dawelwch, A'r tywyll nos yn hyfyrd ddydd. Awel gref o dir y bywyd Y sydd eisiau arnaf fi, Golau'r haulwen ar fy mhabell, Awel hyfryd gyd â hi: Awel hyfryd ac addewid, Awel fawr o Ganaan wlad, Awel hyfyrd ar ol awel, A'r awel ola' i dŷ fy Nhad.Pigion o Hymnau &c. 1808 [Mesur: 8787D] |
Let the lovely south-wind blow On my feeble, weak spirit, Thus dispersing the thick clouds, Which are between me and the heavenly hill: Disperse thy sweet-smelling anointing, Into the distant corners of my cold heart, Let no corner be unflooded, With thy grace which is an infinite sea. Lord, open thy fountains, And water my thirsty soul; Grant me to feel a heavenly breeze, Grant me to hear the sound of thy bells: May a forceful breeze make me sing, With a devoted aim at thy mark, May a breeze make my spirit leap, And thy own name shalt get the praise. A strong breeze from mount Zion, Beloved Jesus, for which I have a desire, A strong breeze that will make me play On heavenly strings with the children; May a lovely breeze bring my soul From captivity all free, A lovely breeze that will make tranquility, And the the darkness of night into lovely day. A strong breeze from the land of life Is what I have need of, The light of the sunshine upon my tent, A lovely breeze with it: A lovely breeze and a promise, Of the great breeze of Canaan land, A lovely breeze after breeze, And the last breeze into my Father's 2016 Richard B Gillion |