Cod fy meddwl uwch gofidiau

("Y Pethau sydd Uchod.")
Cod fy meddwl uwch gofidiau
  Amser, atat Ti dy Hun;
Cadw'n llwyr fy holl serchiadau
  Ar ogoniant Mab y dyn;
Gwasgar y cymylau tewion,
  Na wêl ffydd braidd drwyddynt hwy,
Ac yn llewyrch dy oleuni
  Gad im orfoleddu mwy.

Cyfarwydda 'nhraed i gerdded
  Hyd y llwybrau gerddodd Ef;
Dal fy ffydd o hyd i syllu
  Ar sylweddau pur y nef;
Gwared f'enaid rhag ymserchu
  Ar deganau estron wlad,
Ond cryfha fy nymuniadau
  Am drigfannau tŷ fy Nhad.
David Lewis (Dewi Medi) 1844-1917

Tonau [8787D]:
    Arfon (alaw Gymreig)
    Everton (Henry Smart 1813-79)
    Hyfryd Lais (John Owen Jones 1876-1962)
    Tanymarian (E J Stephen [Tanymarian] 1882-85)
    Vision (S Mason)

("The Things which are Above.")
Raise my thought above the griefs
  Of time, to Thee Thyself;
Keep completely all my affections
  On the glory of the Son of man;
Scatter the thick clouds,
  That faith can hardly see through,
And in the radiance of thy light
  Let me rejoice evermore.

Train my feet to walk
  Along the paths He walked;
Hold my faith always to gaze
  On the pure substances of heaven;
Deliver my soul from doting
  On trinkets of a foreign land,
But strengthen my desires
  For the dwellings of my Father's house.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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