Colled pob blodeuyn hyfryd Ei holl degwch is y rhod; Doed salwineb ar bob wyneb Y cre'duriaid sydd yn bod, - Tegwch byd fydd ynghyd Oll yn wyneb Prynwr byd. Pe diffoddai'r heulwen ddisglair Yn yr awyr deneu las, A phe treuliai'r sêr y fflamau Ynddynt sydd o dân i maes: Mi gaf fyw, gyda'm Duw, Mewn disglaerdeb heb ei ryw. Mi gaf fod o flaen yr orsedd, Mi gaf ganu'r anthem bur, Pan ddarfyddo sôn am ddaear, Son am foroedd, sôn am dir: Dwyfol loes, angeu'r groes, Fydd y canu ddydd a nos.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [8787337]: gwelir: Doed y diluw i deyrnasu Ymneilldüwch bethau'r ddaear |
Let every delightful flower lose All its fairness under the sky; Let ugliness come upon every face Of the creatures that there are, - The world's fairness shall be altogether All in the face of the world's Redeemer. If the radiant sunshine were extinguished In the thin blue sky, And if the stars spent the flames Of fire that are in them out: I shall get to live, with my God, In radiance without its like. I shall get to be before the throne, I shall get to sing the pure anthem, When mention of earth shall vanish, Mention of seas, mention of land: Divine anguish, the death of the cross, Shall be the singing day and 2019 Richard B Gillion |