Cyfod, Arglwydd, i'th orphwysfa, Boed dy arch mewn bri a braint, Gwisg dy weision â cyfiawnder, Rho orfoledd mawr i'th saint: Er mwyn Iesu, dy Eneiniog, Derbyn di nyni a'n gwaith; Dyro i dylodion Sïon, Ddiwall fanna ar eu taith. Oni ddarfu i ti, Arglwydd, Ddewis Sïon fel dy sedd? Ti ddywedaist, Dyma 'nghartref - Yma trigaf yn fy hedd: Tyr'd, gan hyny, i'th orphwysfa, Yna mawl a leinw hon; Saint mewn hwyl dan ganu a ganant Am y gras a'r llewyrch llon.Roger Edwards 1811-86 Y Salmydd Cymreig 1856 Tôn [8787D]: Moriah (alaw Gymreig) |
Arise, Lord, to thy resting-place, May thy ark be in esteem and honour, Clothe thy servants with righteousness, Give great jubilation to thy saints: For the sake of Jesus, thy Anointed One, Receive us and our work; Give to the poor ones of Zion, The provision of manna on their journey. Has Zion ceased, Lord, to be Thy choice as thy throne? Thou didst say, Here is my home - Here shall I dwell in my peace: Come, therefore, to thy resting-place, Then praise shall fill it; Saints in tune singing shall sing About the grace and the cheerful 2018 Richard B Gillion |