Cymerwyd gynt gan Fab y Dyn
Derbyniwyd gynt gan Fab y Dyn

1,2a,3;  1,2a,6;  1,2a,7;  1,2b,(4,5).
(Bedydd - Crist yn derbyn Plant)
Derbyniwyd gynt gan Fab y Dyn
Blant bach i'w freichiau Ef ei Hun;
  Ac "Na waherddwch hwynt," medd Ef,
  "Can's eiddynt hwy yw teyrnas nef."

O! na ryfygwn ninau'n awr
I wrthod sampl Iesu mawr:
  Pwy gaeai ddrws ei Eglwys Ef,
  A'r Iesu'n agor drws y nef?

[O'n bodd dilynwn ninnau'n awr
 Esiampl gu yr Iesu mawr:
   Pwy gaeai ddrws ei Eglwys Ef,
   A'r Iesu'n agor drws y nef?]

Am ras i gyd bydd melus gān
Aneirif wedi'n olchi'n lān
  Oddiwrth holl niwed Eden ardd,
  Fry yng Nghaersalem fawr yn hardd.

Mae modd i olchi yn y gwaed,
A rhoi i faban gwan iachād;
  Am hyn dyrchefir melys gān
  Gan dorf ddirif yn Salem lān.

Am hyn nesawn,
    mae Crist yn gwa'dd,
Awn at ei borth bob oed a gradd;
  Awn ā'n babanod gyda ni
  I'r ffynon gaed ar Galfari.

O prisiwn freintiau
    Eglwys Dduw,
Gan erchi trwddynt hwy gael byw;
  Cawn ninnau oll, ryw ddydd i ddod,
  Addoli Duw mewn bythol glod.

O oes i oes
    bu'r saint a'u hād
Yn ddeiliaid y cyfammod rhād;
  Babanod ieuainc llesg eu llef
  Ynt 'nawr yn ddeiliaid teyrnas nef.
Derbyniwyd :: Cymerwyd

Thomas Williams, Rhes-y-cae, 1772-.

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angel's Hymn/Song (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Eden (Timothy Battelle Mason 1801-61)
Gilead (Bristol Tune Book 1863)
Llandaf (David Evans 1874-1948)
Melcombe (S Webbe 1740-1816)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Louis Bourgeois 1510-1610)

(Baptism - Christ receiving Children)
Received of old by the Son of Man were
Little children into His own arms;
  And "Do not forbid them," He said,
  "For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

O let us not be presumtuous now
  To reject the example of great Jesus:
Who would close the door of His Church,
  And Jesus opening the door of heaven?

[Voluntarily let us follow now
 The dear example of the great Jesus:
   Who would close the door of His Church,
   And Jesus opening the door of heaven?]

For all grace there shall be a sweet song
Innumerable after our washing clean
  From all the harm of the garden of Eden,
  Up in the great Jerusalem beautifully.

There is a means to wash in the blood,
And give to a weak baby health;
  Therefore to be raised is a sweet song
  By an innumerable throng in holy Salem.

Therefore let us draw near,
    Christ is welcoming,
Let us go to his gate every age and degree;
  Let us take our babies with us
  To the fount got on Calvary.

O let us value the privileges
    of the Church of God,
While requesting through them to get to live;
  We all may, some day to come,
  Worship God with everlasting praise.

From age to age
    the saints and their seed were
Tenants of the free covenant;
  Young babies with their weak cry
  Are now tenants of the kingdom of heaven.
Received :: Accepted

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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