Derfydd imi deithio'r ddaear - Tragwyddoldeb sydd gerllaw: Ni chaf aros, ni chaf orphwys, Nes im' fyn'd i'r ochr draw. O Iachawdwr! Paid â'm gadael yn y glyn! Pan fo dyfroedd oer marwolaeth O fy amgylch yn crynhoi, Pwy a ddeil fy mhen i fyny? Pwy a wna i'm hofnau ffoi? Neb ond Iesu! Gwenaf yno yn ei law.
Thomas William 1761-1844
Tonau [878747]: |
My travelling the earth shall cease - Eternity is at hand: I may not wait, I may not rest, Until I go to the far side. O Saviour! Do not leave me in the vale! When the cold waters of death are Gathering around me, Who shall hold my head up? Who shall make my fears flee? None but Jesus I shall smile then in his hand. tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |