Dilynaf fy Mugail o'm modd, Trwy ammarch a gw'radwydd y byd, A dygaf ei ddirmyg ar go'edd, Gan gyrraedd tua'r nefoedd o hyd: Mi rodiaf trwy gymorth ei ras, Y llwybr a gerddodd fy Nghun: Nid rhyfedd os gwawdir y gwas, Fe wawdiwyd fy Arglwydd ei hun. 'Does arnaf ddim cwilydd o'i groes, Ei groes yw fy nghoron a nghlôd: Ei fywyd i'm gwared a ro'es, A'm Ceidwad a'm carodd erioed; Dioddefoedd e' w'radwydd a phoen A'r felltith ar Galfari fryn; F'anrhydedd yw canlyn yr Oen Yr Oen a ddioddefodd fel hyn. O anferth ogoniant a hedd, A dirfawr orfoledd o hyd, Sy'n aros tu arall i'r bedd, I'w ffyddlon ganlynwyr i gyd: Eu dagrau a'u gw'radwydd a dry I fôr o lawenydd ar frys; Anfeidrol eu gwynfyd hwynt fry, Yn nheyrnas eu Harglwydd a'i lŷs. - - - - - Dilynaf fy Mugail drwy f'oes, Er amarch a gw'radwydd y byd; A dygaf ei ddirmyg a'i groes, Gan dynna i'r nefoedd o hyd; Mi rodiaf, drwy gymorth ei ras, Y llwybyr a gerddodd Efe; Nid rhyfedd os gwawdir y gwas, Cans gwawd dafodd Arglwydd y ne'. Nid oes arnaf g'wilydd o'i groes - Ei groes yw fy nghoron o hyd: Ei fywyd i'm gwared a roes Fy Ngheidwad a'm prynodd mor ddrud; Dioddefoedd waradwydd a phoen, A'r felltith ar Galfari fryn; F'anrhydedd yw canlyn yr Oen - Yr Oen a ddioddefodd fel hyn! o'm modd :: o'm bodd drwy f'oes :: trwy f'oes gw'radwydd :: gwradwydd Gan dynna :: Gan dynnu drwy gymorth :: trwy gymorth g'wilydd :: gwilydd Dioddefoedd :: Dioddefodd
Benjamin Francis 1734-99
Tonau [8888D]: gwelir: 'Does arnaf ddim c'wilydd o'i groes |
I will follow my Shepherd of my own will, Through the dishonour and shame of the world, And bear his scorn publicly, While reaching towards heaven always: I will walk through the help of his grace, The path my Beloved walked: No wonder if the servant is mocked, My Lord himself was mocked. I am not ashamed of his cross, His cross is my crown and my praise: His life to deliver me he gave, And my Saviour who always loved me; He suffered scorn and pain And the curse on Calvary hill; My honour is following the Lamb The Lamb who suffered like this. O enormous glory and peace, And immense joy always, That waits on another side of the grave, For all his faithful followers: Their tears and their scorn shall turn Into a sea of joy quickly; Immeasurable their blessedness above, In the kingdom of their Lord and his court. - - - - - I will follow my Shepherd through my lifetime, Despite the dishonour and shame of the world, And I will take his derision and his cross, While making all along for the heavens; I will roam, through the help of his grace, The path which he walked; No wonder if the servant is mocked, Since mockery befell the Lord of heaven. I am not ashamed of his cross - His cross is my crown always: His life to deliver me did give My Saviour and my redeemer so dear; He suffered reproach and torment, And the cursing on mount Calvary; My honour is to follow the Lamb - The Lamb who suffered like this! tr. 2009,21 Richard B Gillion |
I'll follow my shepherd through life Nor heed what the worldling may say; I'll welcome the cross and the scorn And keep to his heavenly way. I'll follow, sustained by his grace, The path that my Leader has trod; No wonder the servant is mocked, - 'Twas scorn that they poured on his God. I suffer no shame for the cross; His cross is the crown that I wear; To save me, he gave up his life, My Saviour, who bought us so dear! He suffered the mocking and pain, The curse upon Calvary's hill; My pride is to follow the Lamb, The Lamb who was treated so ill. - - - - - I'll follow my shepherd through life Nor heed what the worldling may say; I'll welcome the cross and the scorn And keep to his heavenly way. I'll follow, sustained by his grace, The path that my Leader has trod; No wonder the servant is mocked, - 'Twas scorn that they poured on his God. I suffer no shame for the cross; His cross is the crown that I wear; To save me, he gave up his life, My Saviour, who bought us so dear! He suffered the mocking and pain, The curse upon Calvary's hill; My pride is to follow the Lamb, The Lamb who was treated so ill.
tr. M J H Ellis (Monti)
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