Dim lle yn y llety i Geidwad y byd! Oer breseb anifail roed iddo yn grud; Câi mawrion gwlad Canaan eu dewis o le, Ond llety'r anifail gâdd Brenin y ne'! O orsedd y nefoedd y daeth atom ni, Angylion y nefoedd a folant ei fri, A Dduw ynddo wena mewn serch ar ein byd, Ond dynion yn rhoi iddo breseb yn grud! O Iesu, Ti gei ein calonnau bach ni Am byth ar y ddaear yn gartref i Ti: Ti gei y man gorau a feddwn i fyw, A ninnau a'th folwn Di byth fel ein Duw.David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923 Tôn []: Dim Lle yn y Llety (P H Lewis) |
No room in the lodgings for the Saviour of the world! An animal's cold manger was given to him as a cradle; The great ones of the land of Canaan get their choice of a place, But the lodgings of the animal did the King of heaven get! From the throne of heaven he came to us, The angels of heaven praise his renown, And God in it smiling with affection on our world, But men giving to him a manger as a cradle! O Jesus, Thou shalt have our small hearts Forever on the earth as a home for Thee: Thou shalt get the best place we possess to live, And we shall praise Thee forever as our God.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |