Diolchwn Arglwydd grasol

(Sant Andreas)
Diolchwn, Arglwydd grasol,
  Mewn parod gân i Ti
Wrth gofio'r pur apostol
  A welaist ger y lli;
Gadawodd ef ei rwydau,
  I'th ddilyn ar dy daith,
Yn ddewr bysgotwr dynion,
  A'i galon yn y gwaith.

Dwyn eraill atat, Iesu,
  Fu nod ei fywyd mwy -
Eu dwyn nwy oll i garu
  Yr Un a'u carodd hwy;
Andreas, sant ymroddol,
  Fu'n ufudd iawn i'th lais,
A chaed ei deg ymdrechion
  Yn gyson oll â'th gais.

Rhown ninnau lwyr ufud-dod
  I alwad Ceidwad dyn;
Bob amser byddwn barod
  Â'i waith i fod ynglŷn.
Dwyn eraill at yr Iesu
  Fo nod ein bywyd mwy -
Eu dwyn hwy oll i garu
  Yr Un a'u carodd hwy.
Robert A Williams (Berw) 1854-1926

Tôn [7676D]: Meirionnydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)

(Saint Andrew)
We thank thee, gracious Lord,
  In a ready song to Thee
On remembering the pure apostle
  Thou didst see by the tide;
He left his nets,
  To follow Thee on thy journey,
As a brave fisher of men,
  With his heart in the work.

Bringing others to thee, Jesus,
  Was the mark of his life evermore -
Bringing them all to love
  The One who loved them;
Andrew, a devoted saint,
  Was truly obedient to thy voice,
And his fair efforts were
  All constantly at thy request.

Let us too give complete obedience
  To the call of the Saviour of men;
Every time let us be ready
  To be about his work.
May bringing other to Jesus
  Be the note of our lives evermore -
Bringing them all to love
  The One who loved them.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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