Disgwyl mae dy bobol heddiw

(Ar Ddydd Gŷyl)
Disgwyl mae dy bobol heddiw
  Ymweliadau mawr dy ras,
I sancteiddio eu calonnau,
  A rhoi iddynt nefol flas
    Y grawnsypiau,
  Dyf yn nefol ardd
        eu Tad.

Mawl yn Seion sy'n dy aros,
  Tyred atom, Arglwydd mawr;
Dy gymdeithas gaffo'i phrofi
  Gan dy deulu ar y llawr:
  Heddiw byddont ynot Ti.
Thomas Roberts (Scorpion) 1816-87

Tôn [878747]: Bryntirion (Heinrich Roth 1802-89)

(On a Festival Day)
Expecting are thy people today
  Great visits of thy grace,
To sanctify their hearts,
  And give them a heavenly taste
    Of the grape-clusters,
  That grow in the heavenly garden
        of their Father.

Praise is Zion is awaiting thee,
  Come to us, great Lord;
Thy fellowship may thy family
  Get to experience on the earth:
  May they be in Thee.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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