Doed dynol ryw dros dir a môr

(Duw, cariad yw.)
Doed dynol ryw dros dir a môr,
  A'r nef mewn clodydd byw,
I ganu'n beraidd yn un côr,
  Mai cariad ydyw Duw.

Mae hanes dyoddefiadau'r groes,
  Yn achub dynol ryw,
Yn dweyd yn uchel wrth bob oes,
  Mai cariad ydyw Duw.

Caniadau'r nefoedd fawr dros byth,
  Mewn moliant o iawn ryw,
A gydfynegant yn ddilyth,
  Mai cariad ydyw Duw.

Mewn cariad boed i ninau i gyd
  Ddyrchafu'i enw gwiw;
A thaenu hefyd dros y byd,
  Mai cariad ydyw Duw.
Robert Jones 1806-96

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Diadem (James Ellor 1819-99)
    Miles Lane (William Shrubsole 1760-1806)
    St Leonard (H Smart 1813—79)

(God is love.)
Let human kind come over land and sea,
  And the heaven in living praises,
To sing sweetly in one choir,
  That God is love.

The history of the sufferings of the cross,
  Saving human kind,
Are saying loudly to every age,
  That God is love.

The songs of the great heavens forever
  In praise of a true kind,
Will express together unfailingly,
  That God is love.

In love let us also all
  Exalt his worthy name;
And spread also across the world,
  That God is love.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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