Dos Efengyl o Galfaria
Hêd Efengyl o Galfaria

("A'r Efengyl dragwyddol ganddo")
Dos, Efengyl, o Galfaria,
  Ac amlyga allu'r groes;
Dangos i bechadur noddfa
  Yn haeddiannau angau loes;
    Cyfyng awr Iesu mawr
  Drodd yn gân i deulu'r llawr.

Dos, Efengyl, dros y gwledydd,
  Ar adenydd dwyfol ras,
Gan gyhoeddi'r hyfryd newydd
  I dylwythau'r ddaear las;
    Cariad Duw'n unig yw
  Sylfaen gobaith dynol-ryw.

Dos, Efengyl, drwy yr oesau,
  Arwain fyrdd i lwybrau'r nef;
Dangos Grist i'r cenedlaethau,
  Gwisg hwynt â'i gyfiawnder ef;
    Doed y byd o un fryd
  I fawrhau ei gariad drud.
Dos :: Hêd

W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tonau [878767]:
    Bryn Myrddin (J Morgan Nicholas 1895-1963)
    Devetia (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
    Michael (Herbert Howells 1892-1983)

("Having the eternal Gospel" - Revelation 14:6)
Go, Gospel, from Calvary,
  And exhibit the power of the cross;
Show to sinners a refuge
  In the merits of the throes of death;
    A short hour great Jesus
    Turned into song for the family of earth.

Go, Gospel, over the lands,
  On wings of divine grace,
Publishing the delightful news
  To the tribes of the blue-green earth:
    God's love alone is
    The foundation of the hope of humankind.

Go, Gospel, through the ages,
  Lead a myriad to the paths of heaven:
Show Christ to the nations,
  Clothe them with His righteousness:
    Let the world come from one intent
  To magnify his costly love.
Go :: Fly

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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