Drugarog Arglwydd da

(Daioni Duw)
Drugarog Arglwydd da,
  drwy'n gyrfa i gyd
Yr un wyt ti'n parhau
  er beiau'r byd;
Dy ddoniau, ddydd i ddydd,
ddaw inni'n rhydd a rhad,
Mor dyner atom ni
  wyt ti, ein Tad.

Agori di dy law 
  a daw bob dydd 
Ryw newydd ddawn gryfha,
  berffeithia'n ffydd;
Y ddaear gân i gyd
a hyfryd yw ei hiaith,
Dy glod sy'n llond pob tant
  o'i moliant maith.

Fydd mawl dy blant yn ôl?
  Anhraethol fawr
Yw'n dyled ni bob un
  i'r Iesu nawr;
Dy Ysbryd ynom dod
i seinio clod yn glir:
Cawn uno â chytgan gref
  y nef cyn hir.
Robert M Jones (Meigant) 1851-99

Tôn [6464.6664]:
Bethany / Mason (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Glanhafren (alaw Gymreig)

(The Goodness of God)
Merciful good Lord,
  through all our course
The same thou dost endure
  despite the sin of the world;
Thy gifts, day to day,
come to us liberally and free,
So tender to us
  art thou, our Father.

Thou openest thy hand
  and every day come
Some new gift which strengthens,
  which perfects our faith;
The earth all song
and lovely is its language,
Thy fame is the fill of every chord
  with its vast praise.

Will thy children's praise be lacking?
  Inexpressibly great
Is the duty of every one of us
  toward Jesus now;
Thy Spirit in us come
to sound praise clearly:
We may unite with the strong chorus
  of heaven before long.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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