Drwy'r goruchelder mawl i Dduw

Praise to the Holiest in the height

(Gras Duw yng Ngrist)
Drwy'r goruchelder Mawl i Dduw,
  A thrwy'r dyfnderau maith;
Yn Ei holl ffyrdd mor sicr yw,
  A rhyfedd yn Ei waith.

O! fawr ddoethineb Cariad Duw!
  Tra'r byd mewn nos ddi-wawr, -
Daeth Adda'r Ail i'r dyfnder du
  I wared llwch y llawr.

O! Gariad doeth, — i gig a gwaed
  Yn Adda aeth i lawr,
Ymadnewyddu'n gryf drachefn
  A choncro'r gelyn mawr.

Drwy'r goruchelder Mawl i Dduw,
  A thrwy'r dyfnderau maith;
Yn Ei holl ffyrdd mor sicr yw,
  A rhyfedd yn Ei waith.
cyf. John T Job 1867-1938

Tôn [MC 8686]: Lackawanna
    (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)

(The Grace of God in Christ)
Through the supreme height: Praise to God,
  And through the vast depths;
In all His way more sure he is,
  And wonderful in His work.

O great wisdom of the Love of God!
  While the world in dawn-less night, -
A Second Adam came to th black depth
  To deliver the dust of the ground.

O wise love! - for flesh and blood
  Which in Adam went down,
To renew itself strongly again
  And conquer the great enemy.

Though the supreme height: Praise to God,
  And through the vast depths;
In all His ways how sure he is,
  And wonderful in His work.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
Praise to the Holiest in the height,
  And in the depth be praise;
In all His works most wonderful,
  Most sure in all His ways.

O loving wisdom of our God!
  When all was sin and shame,
A second Adam to the fight
  And to the rescue came.

O wisest love! that flesh and blood,
  Which did in Adam fail,
Should strive afresh against their foe,
  Should strive and should prevail;

Praise to the Holiest in the height,
  And in the depth be praise;
In all His works most wonderful,
  Most sure in all His ways.
John H Newman 1801-90)
The Dream of Gerontius 1865

Tunes [CM 886]:
    Chorus Angelorum (Arthur Somervell 1863-1937)
    Gerontius (J B Dykes 1823-76)
    Lackawanna (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
    Richmond (Thomas Haweis 1734-1820)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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