Duw yw fy nerth a'm noddfa lawn

(Salm XLVI:1-5)
Duw yw fy nerth a'm noddfa lawn;
Mewn cyfyngderau creulon iawn,
  Pan alwom arno mae ger llaw;
Ped âi'r mynyddoedd
    mwya' i'r môr,
Pe chwalai'r ddaear
    fawr a'i 'stôr,
  Nid ofnai'm henaid i ddim braw.

A phe dôi'r moroedd
    dros y byd
Yn genllif garw coch i gyd,
  Nes soddi'r bryniau
      fel o'r blaen;
Mae afon bur i lawenhâu
Â'i ffrydiau
    ddinas Duw'n ddidrai,
  Preswylfa_ei saint,
      a'i babell lân.

A Duw sydd yno yn eu plith,
Ni ysgogir un o honynt byth;
  Fe'u cymorth hwy yn fore iawn:
Y bore byddo mwy na mwy
O bob gwasgfeuon arnynt hwy,
  Ceir gwel'd ei addewid ef yn llawn.

Terfysgodd cenedlaethau'r byd,
A brenhiniaethau aeth yn llid,
  Yn erbyn ei Eneiniog ef:
Ing, cyfyng-gynghor, llewygfâu,
Ac arswyd, ddaeth ar gedyrn rai;
  Y ddaear doddodd gan ei lef.

Arglwydd y lluoedd sydd o'n plaid.
Duw Iago'n gymorth in wrth raid;
  Gobeithiwn ynddo byth am hyn:
Dewch, syllwch ar ei ryfedd waith,
Fath ddistryw wnaeth
    trwy'r ddaear faith:
  Mae'n siwr bydd yn amddiffyn in'.

Fe wnaeth ryfeloedd mawr eu llid
I beidio hyd
    eithafoedd byd;
  Y cedryn mawr
      ddychryna_o'i flaen:
Fe ddryllia'r bwa dur yn glau,
Fe dyr y waywffon yn ddau,
  Fe lysg eu holl gerbydau_a thân.
ofnai'm henaid :: ofna f'enaid
phe dôi'r :: phe deu'r
ysgogir :: 'sgogir
Ceir :: Cair
addewid ef :: addewid Duw
aeth yn llid :: 'n fawr eu llid

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888.888]:
Hengoed (Salmydd Ffrengig 1551)
Llangoedmor (John Jeffreys)
Nashville (Matthäus Greiter c.1500-52)
Newcourt (<1835)
Rhosyn Saron (alaw Gymreig)
St Paul's (John Goss 1800-80)

(Psalm 46:1-5)
God is my strength and my complete refuge;
In very cruel straits,
  When we call upon him he is at hand;
If the greatest mountains
    should go into the sea,
If the great earth should
    crumble and its store,
  My soul would fear no alarm.

And if the seas should
    come across the world
All as a rough red torrent,
  Until the hills are submerged
      like before;
There is a pure river to gladden
With its endless streams
    the city of God unebbingly,
  The residence of his saints,
      and his pure tent.

And God is in their midst,
Not one of them is ever to be moved;
  He will help them very early:
In the morning there will be more and more
From all the squeezes upon them,
  To get to see his promise fulfilled.

The nations of the world were in uproar,
And kingdoms turned angry,
  Against his Anointed:
Anguish, perplexity, swoonings,
And horror, came upon the strong;
  The earth melted at his cry.

The Lord of the hosts is on our side.
The God of Jacob our help in need;
  Let us hope in him forever for this:
Come, gaze on his wonderful work,
What kind of destruction he wrought
    through the vast earth;
  Surely he will be our defence.

He made wars of great ire
To cease right to the
    extremes of the world;
  The great strong ones
      are alarmed before him:
He shatters the steel bow quickly
He breaks the spear in two,
  He burns all their chariots with fire.
his promise :: God's promise
turned angry :: of great anger

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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