Dyfais fawr tragwyddol gariad Ydwy'r iechydwrieaeth lawn; Cyfamod hedd yw'r sylfaen gadarn, Yr hwn ni dderfydd byth mo'i ddawn: Dyma'r fan y gorffwys f'enaid, Dyma'r fan y byddaf byw, Mewn tangnefedd pur, heddychol, Ym mhob rhyw stormydd gyda'm Duw. Syfled iechyd, syfled bywyd, Cnawd a chalon yn gytūn, Byth ni syfl cyfamod heddwch, Hen gytundeb Tri yn Un: Dianwadal yw'r addewid, Cadarn byth yw cyngor Duw; Cysur cryf sy i'r neb a gredo Yn haeddiant Iesu i gael byw. Būm yn ŵyndeb pob gorchymyn, Būm yn ŵyndeb angau glas; Gwelais Iesu ar Galfaria Yn gwbwl wedi cario'r maes: Mewn cystuddiau 'r wyf yn dawel, Y fuddugoliaeth sydd o'm tu, Nid oes elyn wna i mi niwed; Mae'r ffordd yn rhydd i'r nefoedd fry. Pethau chwerwon sydd yn felys; Twllwch sydd yn olau clir; Mae 'nghystuddiau imi'n fuddiol, Ond darfyddant cyn bo hir: Cyfamod hedd bereiddia'r cwbwl, Cyfamod hedd a'm cwyd i'r lan, I gael gweld fy etifeddiaeth, A'i meddiannu yn y man. Gwelais 'chydig o'r ardaloedd Yr ochor draw i angeu a'r bedd; Synodd f'enaid yn yr olwg, Teimlais annherfynol hedd: Iesu brynodd imi'r cwbl, Gwnaeth ā'i waed anfeidrol Iawn; Dyma rym fy enaid euog, A fy nghysur dwyfol llawn. Fy natur egwan sydd yn soddi Wrth deimlo prawf o'th ddwyfol hedd, Ac yn boddi gan ryfeddod Wrth edrych 'chydig ar dy wedd; O! am gorff, a hwnnw'n rymus, I oddef pwys gogoniant Duw, Ac i'w foli byth heb dewi, A chydag Ef dragwydddol fyw. Yr ochor :: 'R ochor
Tonau [8787D]: gwelir: Gwelais 'chydig o'r ardaloedd |
The great contrivance of eternal love Is the full salvation; A covenant of peace is the strong foundation, This will be of never-failing ability: Here is the place to rest my soul, Here is the place I will live, In pure, peaceable tranquility, In all kinds of storm with my God. Let health shift, let life shift, Flesh and heart agreeing, Never will the covenant of peace shift, The old agreement of the Three in One: Immutable is the promise, Firm forever is the counsel of God; A strong comfort which is to everyone who believes In the merit of Jesus to get to live. I was in the face of every commandment, I was in the face of bitter death; I saw Jesus on Calvary Completely having carried the field: In afflictions I am tranquil, The victory is on my side, There is no enemy that can do me harm; The way is clear to the heavens above. Bitter things are sweet; Darkness is as clear as light; Afflictions are beneficial to me, But they will vanish before long: The covenant of peace will sweeten the whole, The covenant of peace will raise me up, To get to see my inheritance, And to possess it soon. I have seen a little of the regions On the far side of death and the grave; My soul marvelled at the sight, I felt unbounded peace: Jesus bought the whole for me, He made with his blood an immeasurable Satisfaction; Here is the strength of my guilty soul, And my full, divine comfort. My weak nature is sinking On feeling an experience of thy divine peace, And drowning with amazement On looking a little on thy countenance; Oh for a body, and that a strong one, To endure the weight of God's glory, And to praise him forever without being silent, And with him eternally to live. :: tr. 2009,11 Richard B Gillion |
O Salvation, full Salvation,Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953 Sweet Singers of Wales 1889