Dyna'r dyddiau wy'n eu disgwyl

(Hiraeth am Waredigaeth)
Dyna'r dyddiau wy'n eu disgwyl -
  Dyddiau'r addewidion rhad;
Dwedwyd cawn fy meiau cryfaf,
  Dua'u lliwiau, dan fy nhraed;
Iesu yw ei enw hyfryd,
  Ac fe ddyry wared llawn:
O! am weld y bore'n dyfod;
  Rhyfedd hyd y maith brynhawn!

Gŵyro yma, gŵyro acw,
  Weithiau gŵyro ar y dde,
Ganwaith rhagor ar yr aswy
  Oddi wrth lwybrau Brenin ne';
Mae yma reddf o waredigaeth,
  Mae yma reddf o dd'od yn rhydd,
A griddianau i'r làn yn llanw
  Am yr hyfryd foreu ddydd.

Mi feddyliai fod y wawrddydd
  Wèn ar g'odi maes o law;
Mi dybygaf, drwyr cymylau,
  Gwelaf oleu'r ochr draw:
Deuwch, wyntoedd mwyn y deheu,
  Gwthiwch y cymylau o'u lle,
Im' gael gwel'd yn Ei ogoniant
  Bresennoldeb Brenin ne'.

Dan ei aden byddaf ddedwydd,
  Dan ei aden caf gasau,
A galaru yn ddrylliedig
  Am bob pechod, am bob bai;
Dan ei aden, ar bob chwantau
  Caf fi fuddugoliaeth lawn,
Ac y caf ddifyrwch cysson,
  O foreuddydd hyd brydnawn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Bohemia (Damstädter Gesangbuch 1698)
Burry Port (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Deus Omnipotens (Percy J Starnes)
Hebron (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Trefaldwyn (John Owen 1821-83)

(Longing for Deliverance)
These are the days I am expecting -
  The days of the gracious promise;
Happily I would get my strongest faults,
  Blackest their colours, under my feet;
Jesus is his delightful name,
  And he will grant full deliverance:
O to see the morning coming!
  Wonderful throughout the long evening!

Turning here, turning there,
  Sometimes turning to the right,
A hundred times more to the left
  Away from the paths of heaven's King;
Here there is a sense of deliverance,
  Here there is an sense of coming free,
And groans up as a floodtide
  For the delightful morning of day.

I would think that the bright
  Dawn is about to rise soon;
I suppose, through the clouds,
  I see light on yonder side:
Come ye, gentle winds of the south,
  Push the clouds out of their place,
For me to get to see in His glory
  The presence of the King of heaven.

Under his wing I shall be happy,
  Under his wing I shall be hated,
And mourn broken
  For every sin, for every fault;
Under his wind, over all lusts
  I shall get full victory
And I shall get constant pleasure,
  From morn of day until evening.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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