Dywedwyd ganwaith na chawn fyw

[Rhan I - 1,2,3,4];  1,2,3,(4),5,6;  1,[2/3],6;  1,3,5,6.
(Yr Afael Sicraf Fry)
Dywedwyd ganwaith
    na chawn fyw
  Gan anghrediniaeth hy,
Ond ymddiriedaf yn fy Nuw:
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry.

Cyfamod Duw a'i arfaeth gref 
  Yn gadarn sydd o'm tu,
Anghyfnewidiol ydyw ef:
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry.

2/3 Er rhwydau'r fall,
        a grym fy mhla',
      Mi welaf fwy o'm tu,
    Galluog ydyw'r Bugail da, -
      Mae'r afael sicraf fry.

Er beiau mawrion,
    rif y dail,
  A grym euogrwydd du,
Iawn ac eiriolaeth Crist
    yw'r sail:
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry.

Fy ngobaith mewn trugaredd rad,
  fel angor deil yn gry';
A diogel wyf yn llaw fy Nhad -
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry!

Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef, o'm plaid
  Ei holl olwynion try,
Agorai'r môr, pe byddai raid:
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry.

Caf floeddio concwest yn y man,
  Pob gelyn draw a ffy;
cans er nad ydwyf fi ond gwan
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry.
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abergele (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Cân 67 (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Gwinllan (alaw Gymreig)
Manchester (R Wainwright 1758-1825)
St Anne (William Croft 1677-1727)
St Bernard (Tochter Sion 1741)
Stracathro (Charles Hutcheson 1792-1860)

gwelir: Rhan II - Mi af ymlaen o nerth i nerth

(The Most Secure Grasp Above [1-4 = Part 1])
It was said a hundred times
    I could not have life
  Through haughty unbelief,
But I will trust in my God:
  The grasp is most secure above.

God's covenant and is strong purpose
  Is firmly on my side,
Unchangeable it is:
  The grasp is most secure above.

2/3 Despite the snares of the pestilence,
        and the force of my plague,
      I shall see more on my side,
    Powerful is the good Shepherd, -
      The grasp is most secure above.

Despite great faults,
    numerous as the leaves,
  And strong black guilt,
The ransom and intercession of Christ
    is the foundation:
  The grasp is most secure above.

My hope in free mercy,
  Like an anchor keeps strongly;
And I am safe in my Father's hand -
  The grasp is most secure above.

The great providence of heaven, for my sake
  Turns all its wheels,
The sea would open, should there be need:
  The grasp is most secure above.

I shall get to shout conquest soon,
  Every enemy will flee far away;
Even though I am only weak
  the grasp is most secure above.
tr. 2009,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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