Er maint yw chwerw boen y byd

Er maint yw chwerw boen y byd
  Mi rof fy mryd ar Iesu,
Ac er pob cystudd trwm a loes
  Mi dreulia' f'oes i'w garu.

Ni welais gyfaill dan y sêr
  Mor dyner ag yw Iesu;
'Rwy'n penderfynu treulio f'oes
  I ddwyn ei groes dan ganu.

Ni theimlais ddim gofidiau dwys
  Wrth roi fy mhwys ar Iesu;
Am hyn dymuna f'enaid fod
  Yn barod i'w was'naethu.

Ymhob rhyw gyfyngderau blin
  Caf laeth a gwin gan Iesu;
Mae'n ennill serch fy enaid gwan
  O bob rhyw fan i'w garu.
Evan Jones (Ieuan Gwynedd) 1820-52

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
    Gorffwysfa (Rees Williams 1846-1934)
    Gweddi (E Mills 1809-44)
    Llanidloes (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
    Manafon (anadnabyddus)
    Tal-y-sarn (William Owen 1814-93)
    Y Freithwen (Leslie Wynne Evans 1914-)

Although the world's bitter pain is so great
  I give my heart to Jesus,
And despite every heavy affliction and pang
  I will spend my lifetime to praise him.

I never saw a friend under the stars
  As tender as is Jesus;
I am deciding to spend my lifetime
  Bearing his cross while singing.

I felt no intense worries
  While leaning on Jesus;
Therefore I request my soul to be
  Ready to serve him.

In every kind of wearisome affliction
  I will have milk and wine with Jesus;
He wins the affection of my weak soul
  From every kind of place to love him.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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