Ffydd ydyw yr egluraf Brawf

Faith is the brightest evidence

(Ffydd o Bethau amweledig)
Ffydd ydyw yr egluraf brawf
  O bethau uwchlaw fy ngolwg,
Trwy gnawd a rheswm
    treiddio mae
  I'r nefol olau amlwg.

Amseroedd pell a phethau draw
  Mae'n ddwyn gerllaw i'w canfod;
Fil o flynyddoedd cyn ein co',
  Neu filoedd etto i ddyfod.

Trwy ffydd y gwyddom wneud o Dduw
  A'i Air yr amryw fydoedd;
Abra'm yn ufudd aeth trwy ffydd
  I'r gwledydd nid adwaenodd.

Ymgais am ddinas dêg 'roedd ef,
  Gwaith dwy law gref drag'wyddol;
Ffydd er in' farw, rhydd sicrad,
  Y sai'r adeilad nefol.
tr. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Faith from unseen Things)
Faith is the clearest proof
  Of things above my sight,
Through flesh and reason
    penetrating it is
  To the evident, heavenly light.

Distant times and things yonder
  It brings to hand to be found;
A thousand years before our memory,
  Or thousands yet to come.

Through faith we know that made by God
  And his Word are the various worlds;
Abraham obediently went through faith
  To the lands he did not know.

Searching for a fair city was he,
  The work of strong, eternal hands;
Faith though we die, gives certainty,
  That the heavenly building stands.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
Faith is the brightest evidence
  Of things beyond our sight,
Breaks through the clouds
    of flesh and sense,
  And dwells in heav'nly light.

It sets times past in present view,
  Brings distant prospects home,
Of things a thousand years ago,
  Or thousand years to come.

By faith we know the worlds were made
  By God's almighty word;
Abram, to unknown countries led,
  By faith obeyed the Lord.

He sought a city fair and high,
  Built by th'eternal hands,
And faith assures us, though we die,
  That heav'nly building stands.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [CM 8686]:
    Mear (attrib. Aaron Williams)
    St Agnes (John B Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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