Geidwad addfwyn rho dy hedd

(Tangnefedd Duw)
Geidwad addfwyn, rho dy hedd
  I dawelu'n hofnus fron,
Pan fo'r byd yn ddu ei wedd,
  A gofidiau'n don ar don;
Pan fo'n darfod mwynder llawr,
  A phan wywo'n gobaith gwan,
Tyrd, bryd hynny, Geidwad mawr,
  Dal ein hysbryd llesg i'r lan.

Gwyddost rym y don a'r lli,
  Mae'r cymylau yn dy law,
Ac ohonynt atom ni
  Dafn yn ormod byth ni ddaw;
Yn y brofedigaeth fawr
  Mwy yw grym addewid gref:
Gwelir dagrau nos y llawr
  Eto'n berlau dydd y nef.
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tonau [7777D]:
Bronwylfa / Schönberg (J Hintz / J S Bach)
Hilton (John Hughes 1896-1968)

(The Tranquility of God)
Gentle Saviour, give thy peace
  To quieten our fearful breast,
When the world be of black countenance,
  And griefs be as wave upon wave;
When the gentleness of earth expires,
  And when our weak hope withers,
Come, at that time, great Saviour,
  Hold our weak spirit up.

Thou knowest the force
    of the wave and the flood-tide,
  The clouds are in thy hand,
And from them to us
  May not a drop too much come;
In the great trial
  Greater is the force of a strong promise:
To be seen are the tears
    of the night of earth
  Again as the pearls of the day of heaven.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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