Gobaith yw angor f'enaid drud
Mae'r gobaith da i'm henaid drud

(Angor yr Enaid)
1,(2),3;  1b,2,3.
Gobaith yw angor f'enaid drud
Wrth groesi cefnfôr
    garw'r byd;
  Mawr ydyw grym
      y gwynt a'r dòn
  I'm herbyn drwy y fordaith hon.

[Mae'r "gobaith da" i'm henaid drud
 Yn angor ar fôr garw'r byd;
   Mawr ydyw grym
       y gwynt a'r dòn
   I'm herbyn drwy y fordaith hon.]

Ond unig obaith f'enaid yw
Addewid ddianwadal Duw;
  Mi daflaf f'angor yma i lawr,
  Yn nghanol tònau'r moroedd mawr.

Os tonau ddaw, a gwyntoedd mwy
Na'r rhai y cwrddais gynt â hwy,
  Mae gafael f'angor uwch y nen
  Yn Iesu, fry, tu fewn i'r llen.
tonau ddaw, a gwyntoedd :: gwynt a thònau ddont fydd
- - - - -
Gobaith yw angor f'enaid drud, Wrth groesi ce'nfor garw'r byd; Er maint yw grym y gwynt a'r don, Fe'm cynnal hwn trwy'r fordaith hon. Addewid ddianwadal Duw, Yw cysur cryf fy enaid byw; Ac yma taíla'm hangor lawr Y'nghanol tonnau moroedd mawr. Os cyfyd tonnau mwy a gwynt, Nâ'r rhai a gwrddais ar fy hynt; Mae gafael f'angor cryf uwch ben Am Iesu'n llwyr tu fewn i'r llen.
Thomas William 1761-1844

priodolwyd hefyd i   |   also attributed to
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Glanllwyfnwy (Emlyn Davies 1870-1960)
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)
Maryton (H Percy Smith 1825-98)
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Otterbourne (F J Haydn 1732-1809)

(The anchor of the soul)
Hope is the anchor of my precious soul
While crossing the rough
    ocean of the world;
  Great is the force of
      the wind and the wave
  Against me through this voyage.

[The "great hope" for my precious soul is
 An anchor on the rough ocean of the world;
   Great is the force of
       the wind and the wave
   Against me through this voyage.]

But the only hope of my soul is
The immutable promise of God;
  I will cast my anchor down here,
  Amidst the waves of the great seas.

If waves come, and winds more
Than those I have met with before,
  My anchor will hold above the sky
  In Jesus, above, inside the curtain.
Waves come, and winds :: wind and waves that come are
- - - - -
Hope is the anchor of my precious soul, While crossing the rough ocean of the world; Despite how great the force of the wind and the wave, This will support me through this voyage. The unchanging promise of God, Is the strong comfort of my living soul; And here I will cast my anchor down In the middle of the waves of the great seas. If waves rise more and wind, Than those I met on my course; My anchor's hold is strong above Completely on Jesus within the curtain.
tr. 2008,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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