Gosodiad doeth, O Arglwydd cu, Yw rhoi blaenoriaid ar dy dŷ; O Frenin Seion, boed i ti Fendithio ein dewisiad ni. Addurna hwy â phob rhyw ddawn I gadw'u lle yn gywir iawn; A phan ddarfyddo'u gwaith īs nen, Dwg hwy i'r llys tufewn i'r llen.Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844 Tôn: Yr Hen Ganfed (Sallwyr Genefa) |
A wise ordinance, O dear Lord, Is to put leaders over thy house; O King of Sion, may it be that thou Bless our choice. Adorn them with every kind of gift To keep their place very truly; And when their work is over below the sky, Lead them to the court within the curtain.tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion |