Gwawr wedi hirnos hedd wedi loes

Light after darkness gain after loss

Gwawr wedi hirnos,
    hedd wedi loes,
Nerth yn lle gwendid,
    coron lle croes:
  Mel yn lle wermod,
      cysur heb friw,
  Cartref nol crwydro, moliant i Dduw.

'Rol hau daw medi, haul wedi glaw,
Ar ol tywyllwch, goleu a ddaw:
  Daw wedi adfyd,
      wynfyd y nef,
  Gorphwys nol lludded, gorphwys yn nhref.

Casglu ar ol gwasgaru'n y byd,
Tu draw i angeu, bywyd i gyd:
  Wedi trallodion,
      hedd y byd gwyn,
  Popeth yn iawn os arwain i hyn.
cyf. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905

Tôn: Gwawr wedi Hirnos / Light after Darkness
    (Ira D Sankey 1840-1908)

Dawn after a long night,
    peace after anguish,
Strength instead of weakness,
    a crown instead of a cross:
  Honey instead of wormwood,
      comfort without pain,
  Home after wandering, praise to God.

After sowing comes reaping, sun after rain,
After darkness, light shall come:
  After adversity comes,
      the blessedness of heaven,
  Rest after exhaustion, rest at home.

Gathering after scattering in the world,
Beyond death, all life:
  After troubles,
      the peace of the blessed world,
  Everything right if leading to this.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
Light after darkness,
    gain after loss;
  Strength after weakness,
      crown after cross;
Sweet after bitter,
    hope after fears,
  Home after wandering, praise after tears.

Sheaves after sowing, sun after rain,
  Sight after mystery, peace after pain;
Joy after sorrow,
    calm after blast,
  Rest after weariness, sweet rest at last.

Near after distant, gleam after gloom;
  Love after loneliness, life after tomb;
After long agony,
    rapture of bliss,
  Right was the pathway leading to this.
Frances R Havergal 1836-79

Tunes [9999]:
Adelaide (George C Stebbings 1846-1945)
Light after Darkness (Ira D Sankey 1840-1908)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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