Gwir onid all ein Harglwydd?

(Etholedigaeth o Ben-arglwyddiaeth
Duw. Rhuf. ix. 21-24.)
Gwir onid all ein Harglwydd,
  Sy'n llywydd yn y nef,
Gyfranu ei drugaredd
  I'r sawl a fyno ef;
Gan ddewis rhai i fywyd,
  A gadael eraill byth,
Ac etto bod yn gyfiawn,
  A grasol Dduw dilyth?

Pa beth os Duw sy'n dewis,
  Amlygu 'ddigter mawr,
Wrth oddef rhai drygionus,
  Llygredig ar y llawr;
A dangos ei ogoniant
  I'w bobl yr un pryd,
Y rhai etholwyd ganddo
  Er cyn sylfaenu'r byd?

Am hyn molianwn beunydd,
  Ein Harglwydd Dduw o'r nef,
Sy'n dangos ei dugaredd
  A'i ras lle myno ef;
Nid yw yn rhoddi cyfrif
  Am ddim o'i ddwyfol waith,
Am hyny byth clodforwn
  Ei arfaeth nefol faith.
Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

[Mesur: 7676D]

(Election from the Sovereignty
of God. Rom. 9:21-24.)
Is it not true that our Lord, who
  Is governor in heaven, can
Distribute his mercy
  To those to whom he wishes;
By choosing some for life,
  And leaving others forever,
And still being a righteous,
  And gracious, unfailing God?

What if God who chooses,
  To make evident his great wrath,
By suffering those evil,
  Corrupt on the earth;
And showing his glory
  To his people at the same time,
Those elected by him
  Since before the world's foundation?

Therefore let us praise daily,
  Our Lord God from heaven,
Who shows his mercy
  And his grace wherever he will;
His not giving an account
  For any of his divine work,
Therefore forever let us acclaim
  His vast, heavenly design.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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