Gwrandawaf beth a ddywed Ner Yn mhob cyfyngder wrthyf; Efe a draetha hedd mewn ing, Pan fyddo cyfyng arnwyf. Diau mae'i iechyd ef ger llaw, Er ofn a braw'r anialwch; I'r rhai a'i hofnant ac a'i cār, Try galar yn ddedwyddwch. Cyfiawnder mewn rhyfeddol fodd, Edrychodd o'r uchelder; Ac ar y ddaiar fawr ei bai, Tywynai'i wyneb tyner. Gwirionedd gaed o'r ddaiar ddu, Rhyfeddir mewn hyfrydwch; A nef y nefoedd byth fydd hyn, Cyfiawnder yn rhoi heddwch. Yr Argwydd nef a rydd am hyn, Ddaioni in' yn helaeth; O'r ddaiar ceir, o bob rhyw lwyth, Ryw ffrwyth o'r iachawdwriaeth. Cyfiawnder arwain yn y blaen, Yn arwydd glān o heddwch; Bendithion nef a leinw'r tir, Ffrwythlonir yr anialwch. - - - - - Gwrandawaf beth a ddywed Ner Yn mhob cyfyngder wrthyf; Efe a draetha hedd mewn ing, Pan fyddo cyfyng arnwyf. Diau mae'i iechyd ef ger llaw, Er ofn a braw'r anialwch; I'r rhai a'i hofnant ac a'i cār, Try galar yn ddedwyddwch. Trugaredd a gwirionedd pur Yn eglur cyfarfuant, Hedd a chyfiawnder oll o'n tu, Yn Iesu ymgusanasant! Cyfiawnder mewn rhyfeddol fodd, Edrychodd o'r uchelder; Ac ar y ddaear fawr ei bai Tywynai'i wyneb tyner. Gwirionedd caed o'r ddaear ddu, Rhyfeddir mewn hyfrydwch; A nef y nefoedd byth fydd hyn, Cyfiawnder yn rhoi heddwch.Richard Jones ?1771-1833 [Mesur: MS 8787] |
I will listen to what the Lord says In every strait to me; He will expound peace in anguish, Whenever hardship be upon me. Doubtless his health is at hand, Despite the fear and terror of the desert; To those who fear him and who love him, He will turn mourning into happiness. Righteousness in a wonderful means, Looked from the height; And on the earth with its great fault, Would shine its tender face. May truth be got from the black earth, To be wondered at in delight; And the heaven of heaven forever shall be this, Righteousness giving peace. The Lord of heaven shall give therefore, Goodness to us widely; From the earth is to be got, from every kind of tribe, Some fruit from the salvation. Righteousness leading in the fore, As a pure sign of peace; The blessings of heaven shall fill the land, To be made fruitful is the desert. - - - - - I will listen to what the Lord says In every strait to me; He will expound peace in anguish, Whenever hardship be upon me. Doubtless his health is at hand, Despite the fear and terror of the desert; To those who fear him and who love him, He will turn mourning into happiness. Mercy and pure truth Clearly met, Peace an righteousness all on our side, In Jesus had kissed! Righteousness in a wonderful means, Looked from the height; And over the earth with its great fault Would shine its tender face. Truth got from the black earth, Is to be wondered at in delight; And the heaven of heaven forever shall be this, Righteousness giving 2016 Richard B Gillion |
8 God's answer patiently I'll wait; for he with glad success, (If they no more to folly turn,) his mourning saints will bless. 9 To all that fear his holy Name his sure salvation's near; And in its former happy state our nation shall appear. 16 For mercy now with truth is joined, and righteousness with peace, Like kind companions absent long, with friendly arms embrace. ll Truth from the earth shall spring, whilst heav'n shall streams of justice pour; 12 And God, from whom all goodness flows, shall endless plenty show'r. 13 Before him righteousness shall march, and his just paths prepare; Whilst we his holy steps pursue, with constant zeal and care. - - - - - 8 God's answer patiently I'll wait; for he with glad success, (If they no more to folly turn,) his mourning saints will bless. 9 To all that fear his holy Name his sure salvation's near; And in its former happy state our nation shall appear. 16 For mercy now with truth is joined, and righteousness with peace, Like kind companions absent long, with friendly arms embrace. ll Truth from the earth shall spring, whilst heav'n shall streams of justice pour; 12 And God, from whom all goodness flows, shall endless plenty show'r.N Tate & N Brady A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696 |