Gwyn fyd y rhai adwaenant lais
Gwynfyd y rhai adwaenant lais

(Yr hyfryd lais)
Gwynfyd y rhai adwaenant lais
  Efengyl fwyngais dirion;
Yn heddwch a goleuni Duw
  Y rhodia'r cyfryw ddynion.

Llawenydd gwyd eu hysbryd trist,
  Trwy enw Crist, eu Prynwr;
Cânt trwyddo Ef nesâu at Dduw,
  Diogel yw eu cyflwr.

Yr Arglwydd yw ein noddfâ glyd,
  Rhydd nerth ac iechyd dwyfol;
Israel, dy Frenin byth fydd byw,
  Teyrnasa'th Dduw'n drag'wyddol.
cyf. Caniadau Sion 1827

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Goldel (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Sabbath (John Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
St Eneon (<1875)

(The delightful voice)
Blessed are those who recognize the voice
  Of the tender, gently appealing gospel;
In the peace and light of God
  Walk such men.

Joy shall raise their sad spirit,
  Through the name of Christ, their Redeemer;
They get through Him to draw near to God,
  Saved is their condition.

The Lord is our secure refuge,
  He gives strength and divine health;
Israel, thy King will live forever,
  Thy God will rule eternally.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Blest are the souls that hear and know
  The gospel's joyful sound;
Peace shall attend the path they go,
  And light their steps surround.

Their joy shall bear their spirits up
  Through their Redeemer's name;
His righteousness exalts their hope,
  Nor Satan dares condemn.

The Lord, our glory and defence,
  Strength and salvation gives;
Isr'el, thy King for ever reigns,
  Thy God for ever lives.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Eagley (James Walch 1837-1901)
Elizabethtown (George Kingsley 1811-84)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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