Helaetha derfynau dy deyrnas

(Helaethiad y Deyrnas)
Helaetha derfynau dy deyrnas
  A galw dy bobol ynghyd,
Datguddiad dy haeddiant anfeidrol
  I'r eiddot, Iachawdwr y byd;
Cwymp anghrist, a rhwyga ei deyrnas,
  O brysied a deued yr awr,
Disgynned Jerwsalem newydd
  I lonni trigolion y llawr.

Eheda, Efengyl, dros ŵyneb
  Y ddaear a'r moroedd i gyd,
A galw dy etholedigion
  O gyrrau eithafoedd y byd;
O brysia'r cyfarfod heb lygredd
  Na rhyfel na chystudd na phoen,
Dydd Jwbil yr etholedigion
  A chydetifeddion â'r Oen.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79

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(Cwymp Anghrist)

Helaetha derfynau Dy deyrnas
  A galw Dy bobol ynghyd,
Datguddiad Dy haeddiant anfeidrol
  I'th eiddo, Iachawdwr y byd;
Cwymp anghrist, a rhwyga ei deyrnas,
  O brysied a deued yr awr!
Disgynned Jerusalem newydd
  I lonni trigolion y llawr.

Disgynned y sanctaidd dywalltiad
  A grymus eneiniad y nef,
Fel delo enaidiau esgeulus
  Yn awr yn drallodus eu llef:
Boed nerthoedd yr Ysbryd yn gweithio
  A'i alwad yn deffro pob dyn;
Amlyger trw'r byd Dy ogoniant,
  Er moliant i'th heddiant Dy hun.
1: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
2: Edward Jones 1761-1836

Tonau [9898D]:
Aberclydach (David Evans 1874-1948)
Bethel (alaw Gymreig)
Capel Newydd (W T Rees [Alaw Du] 1838-1904)
Eirinwg (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Elliot (John Ellis 1760-1839)

(The Extension of the Kingdom)
Extend the boundaries of thy kingdom
  And call thy people together,
Reveal thy immeasurable merit
  To thy own, Saviour of the world;
Bring down antichrist, and rend his reign,
  O may the hour hurry and come,
Let new Jerusalem descend
  To cheer the inhabitants of earth.

Fly, Gospel, across the face
  Of the earth and all the seas,
And call thy chosen ones
  From the furthest corners of the world;
O hasten the meeting without corruption
  Or war or affliction or pain,
The day fo Jubilee of the chosen
  And co-heirs with the Lamb.

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(The Fall of the Antichrist)

Extend the boundaries of thy kingdom
  And call thy people together,
Reveal thy immeasurable merit
  To thy own, Saviour of the world;
Bring down antichrist, and rend his reign,
  O may the hour hurry and come,
Let new Jerusalem descend
  To cheer the inhabitants of earth.

Let the holy outpouring descend
  And the strong anointing of heaven,
As come neglectful souls
  Now with their trouble cry;
Let the strengths of the Spirit be working
  And his call awakening every man;
Be Thy glory multiplied through the world,
  To the praise of Thy own merit.
tr. 2009,14 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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