Henffych i'r bore(u) hyfryd

1,2,3,(4,(5,6),7,8);  1,2,6,7.
(Caersalem dawel)
Henffych i'r boreu hyfryd,
'Ddaw gelyn byth
      nac adfyd,
  I dir y bywyd fry:
    Y seintiau ddaw 'nghyd,
    Bob wyneb i'r byd,
  Yn unfryd yno i ganu.
Fry yn Nghaersalem dawel,
Yn mhell o sŵn y rhyfel,
  Caf uchel ganu clod; 
    Fy nefoedd ddiboen,
    Fydd gweled yr Oen,
  Fe dderfydd sôn am bechod.

Caf wel'd y Bod anfeidrol,
Y Tri yn Un tragwyddol,
  Rhyfeddol nefol Oen;
    Fe'm tynodd yn lân,
    Pentewyn o'r tân,
  Fy enaid cân yn gyson.

O safn y pydew obry
Daeth Iesu i'm gwaredu,
  Rhyfedda'i gariad cu;
    Fy nyled mawr oedd,
    Fe'i talodd ar g'oedd,
  Fe brynodd y nefoedd i mi.

Yr heddwch wy'n feddiannu,
Ni fedr neb fynegi,
  Ond yn ei brofi sy';
    Tangnefedd difrad
    Ym mynwes fy Nhad,
  Trwy briod wa'd wy'n brofi.

Caf gyflawn fuddugoliaeth,
Ar gorph yr hen farwolaeth,
  Pob llygredigaeth ffy;
    Caf weled y Bod,
    A'm carodd erio'd,
  A seinio ei glod heb dewi.

Gwnair diwed ar bob gofid,
Fy nghystudd mawr a'm hadfyd,
  Dihangaf i'r bywyd draw,
    Gorphenna'i'n ddible,
    I ganol y ne',
  Fy siwrneu 'maes o law.

Mi gysgaf hûn yn dawel,
Tros ennyd yn y grafel,
  Ne's dadrys trefn y rhôd;
    Ac yna mewn hedd,
    Y codaf o'm bedd,
  Ar ddisglaer wedd fy Mhriod.
Pentewyn :: Bentewyn
Gwnair :: Gwneir

Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo 1764

Tôn [776557]: Fref Castle (<1829)

  Mi gysgaf hûn yn dawel
  O fin y pydew obry

(Quiet Jerusalem)
Hail to the lovely morning,
In which will never come either enemy
      nor adversity,
  To the land of the life above:
    The saints will come together,
    Every face to the world,
  With one intent there to sing.

Up in quiet Jerusalem,
Far from the sound of the war,
  I will get to sing loud praise;
    My painless heaven,
    Will be to see the Lamb,
  Mention of sin will pass away.

I will get to see the infinite Being,
The eternal Three in One,
  The wonderful heavenly Lamb;
    He pulled me wholly,
    A brand from the fire,
  My soul will sing constantly.

From the jaws of the pit below
Came Jesus to deliver me,
  I will wonder at his dear love;
    My debt was great,
    He paid it publicly,
  He purchased heaven for me.

The peace I am possessing,
No-one can express,
  But one who is tasting it;
    Sincere tranquility
    In my Father's bosom,
  Through his own blood I am tasting.

I will get full victory,
Over the body of the old mortality,
  Every corruption shall flee;
    I will get to see the Being,
    Who ever loved me,
  And sound his praise without ceasing.

An end will be made to every grief,
My great tribulation and my adversity,
  I will escape to the life yonder,
    I will finish undoubtedly,
    In the middle of heaven,
  My journey soon.

I will sleep slumber quietly,
For a while in the gravel,
  Until the order of the sky unravels;
    And then in peace,
    I shall rise from my grave,
  Up to the shining face of my Spouse.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

O welcome, blessed morrow!
  No foe, nor
      any sorrow
  Can reach the land of life:
    The conquering throng
    Shall gather with song,
  From all this world of strife.

In Salem's tranquil regions
No sound of warring legions
  Breaks on the music fair:
    The Saviour will be
    My heaven for me -
  And no one sinneth there!

There God is ever glorious,
The Lamb is all-victorious,
  O blessed Three in One!
    My soul was a brand
    Plucked out by His hand
  When shall His praise be done?

The grave will be so peaceful,
Until the dawning blissful
  Shall wake me from my rest:
    And then I shall rise
    With joy to the skies,
  In Jesu's likeness drest.

tr. Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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