Hoeliodd ddeddf yr ordeiniadau, Oedd i'n herbyn, wrth ei groes, Ac yspeiliodd awdurdodau Uffern yno, dan ei loes. Rhwygai llen y deml pan rwygwyd Ei ddynoliaeth ar y pren, I arwyddo fod tramwyfa Rydd o'r byd i'r nefoedd wen. Ni raid allor, ni raid aberth, Lefiad nac offeiriad mwy, Cafodd deddf drag'wyddol ddigon Yn haeddiannau mawr ei glwy. - - - - - Hoeliodd ddeddf yr ordeiniadau Oedd i'n herbyn, wrth y groes, Gan yspeilio'r awdurdodau, Pan yn goddef angeu loes; Cododd faner wen trugaredd, Drylliodd gedyrn byrth y bedd, Seiniodd Iubil lawn i'r caethion, Ac arlwyodd radlawn wledd. Agoriadau y llywodraeth Grogwyd wrth ei wregys Ef; Rhoddwyd iddo bob awdurdod Yn y ddae'r ac yn y nef; Marchog mae yn ngherbyd cariad, Ei osgorddlu yw engyl nef: Sigla cedyrn byrth y fagddu Hyd eu sail, wrth rym ei lef.William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83
Tonau [8787]: |
He nailed the law of the ordinations, That was against us, to his cross, And he spoiled the authorities Of Hell there, under his anguish. The curtain of the temple would rend when His humanity was rent on the tree, To signify that a passage was Free from the world to bright heaven. No need of an altar, no need of a sacrifice, Levites nor a priest any more, The eternal law was satisfied In the great merits of his wound. - - - - - He nailed the law of the ordinances That was against us, to the cross, And he spoiled the authorities, When suffering the throes of death; He raise the white flag of mercy, He smashed the firm portals of the grave, He sounded a full Jubilee for the captives, And he provided a fully gracious feast. The keys of the government Were hung at His belt; All authority was given to him On the earth and in heaven; He rides in the chariot of love, His escort are the angels of heaven: The firm portals of extreme gloom shall shake To their foundations, at the force of his voice.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |