Hoff yw gan f'Anwylyd Rodio yn ei Ardd; Gwyn ei fyd y lleiaf un Ynddi hi a dardd. Os wyf finnau yno O dan brennau'r coed, Caf yn ieuanc, ieuanc, Glywed sŵn ei droed. Daw i'w Ardd yn fore Ni all oedi'n hwy; Er ei fod yn caru'r byd Câr ei Ardd yn fwy. Os arhosaf innau Rhwng rhodfeydd yr Ardd, Caf yn fynych, fynych, Weld ei wyneb hardd. Hoff o gasglu lili Yw f'Anwylyd gwyn; Cariad yw ei enw Ef, Casgled fel y myn. Os y bore cynnar, Os yr hwyr y daw, Dyged finnau adre'n Lili yn ei law.Eliseus Williams (Eifion Wyn) 1867-1926 Tôn [6575.6565]: Gardd yr Iesu (Ieuan Rees Davies) |
It is delightful to my Beloved To wander in his Garden; Blessed is the least one Which springs forth in it. If I myself am there Under the trees of the wood, I may young, young, Hear the sound of his foot. He will come into his Garden in the morning He cannot delay any longer; Although he loves the world He loves his Garden more. If I myself wait Between the avenues of the Garden, I may often, often, See his beautiful face. Fond of gathering a lily Is my fair Beloved; Love is His name, Let him gather as he will. If in the early morning, If in the evening he should come, Let him take me home as A lily in his hand.tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion |