Hollbresenol ydwyt Arglwydd

(Hollbresenoldeb Duw)
Hollbresenol ydwyt, Arglwydd,
  Trwy y greadigaeth faith;
Mae dy deyrnas di yn eang,
  Gogoneddus yw y waith;
'Rwyt ti'n sylwi ar y cwbl,
  Yn y ddaear faith a'r ne';
Gweli bawb - 'rwyt yn eu hymyl,
  Ar bob pryd, ac yn mhob lle.

Mae gweithredoedd a chalonau
  Holl hil Adda'n noeth iti;
A'u meddyliau oll yn hysbys,
  Er eu bod i ni'n ddiri';
Nertha ni, a phawb on hamgylch,
  I'th roi'n wastad ger ein bron;
Fel na phechom byth i'th erbyn,
  Cadw'th ofn dan ein bron.
Evan Griffiths (Ieuan Ebblig) 1795-1873
Casgliad o Hymnau (E Griffiths) 1855

[Mesur: 8787D]

(The Omnipresence of God)
Omnipresent art thou, Lord,
  Throughout the vast creation;
Thy kingdom is extensive,
  Glorious is the work;
Thou art noticing the whole,
  In the vast earth and heaven;
Thou seest all - thou art beside them,
  At every time, and in every place.

The actions and hearts of
  All Adam's race are naked to thee;
And all their thoughts are well-known,
  Although they are to us innumerable;
Strengthen us, and everyone around us,
  To set thee constantly before us;
That we sin not against thee,
  Keep thy fear under our breast.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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