Hosanna fyddo cân y plant

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna!

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna!

Hosanna fyddo cân y plant,
  I'r Iesu, Brenin nef!
I'r Hwn a'n gwnaeth, ar lais a thant
  Boed moliant iddo Ef.

    Hosanna fyth gydganwn ni,
      Hosanna Frenin nef!
    I'r plant daeth dydd o Jiwbili
      Rhown foliant iddo Ef;
    I'r plant daeth dydd o Jiwbili
      Rhown foliant iddo Ef.

Hosanna! aed ar edyn rhydd
  Y gwawl dros dir a môr;
Boed nef a daear, nos a dydd
  Yn adsain fel un côr.
cyf. Henry Davies (Abon) 1864-1941
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna!

Hosanna be the children's song,
  To Jesus, the King of heaven!
To him who made us, with voice and string
  Let praise be unto Him.

    Hosanna forever we shall chorus,
      Hosanna, King of heaven!
    To the children came a day of Jubilee
      Let us render praise unto Him.
    To the children came a day of Jubilee
      Let us render praise unto Him.

Hosanna! let it go on free wings
  Of the light across land and sea;
Let heaven and earth, night and day
  Resound as one choir.
tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna!

Hosanna be the children's song,
  To Christ, the children's King;
His praise, to whom their souls belong,
  Let all the children sing.

    Hosanna! then, our song shall be;
      Hosanna to our King!
    This is the children’s jubilee;
      Let all the children sing.
    This is the children’s jubilee;
      Let all the children sing.

Hosanna, on the wings of light,
  O'er earth and ocean fly;
Till morn to eve, and noon to night,
  And heaven to earth reply.
James Montgomery 1771-1854

Tune [CM 8686]:
    Hummel (1832 Heinrich C Zeuner 1795-1857)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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