Hyfryd lais efengyl hedd Sydd yn galw pawb i'r wledd; Mae gwahoddiad llawn at Grist - Oes i'r tlawd, newynog, trist: Pob cyflawnder ynddo cewch; De'wch a chroesaw, dlodion, de'wch! Talodd Crist anfeidrol Iawn Ar y croesbren un prydnawn; Llifodd ar Galfaria fryn Ddwr a gwaed, i'n golchi'n wyn; Iachawdwriaeth sydd heb drai; De'wch i'r ffynon, aflan rai. Cyfod haul cyfiawnder llon, Cyfod dros y ddaear hon; Aed dy lewyrch i bob gwlad, Yn dy esgyll dwg iachâd; Dos ar gynnydd, nefol ddydd, Doed y caethion oll yn rhydd. Iesu gaiff y clod i gyd - Ymaith dug bechodau'r byd: Rhoes Ei hunan yn ein lle - Bellach, beth na rydd Efe? Haleliwia! llawenhewch! De'wch, molienwch, byth na thewch.Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845
Tonau [77.77.77]: |
The lovely voice of the gospel of peace Is calling everyone to the feast; There is a full invitation to Christ - Yes there is, to the poor, hungry, sad: You may have every fullness in him; Come and welcome, ye poor, come! Christ paid an immeasurable Satisfaction On the wooden cross one afternoon; There flowed on Calvary hill Water and blood, to wash us white; There is Salvation without ebbing; Come to the fount, unclean ones! Rise, cheerful Sun of righteousness Rise across this earth! Let thy radiance go to every land, In thy wings bring healing; Go on the advance, heavenly day, Let the captives all come free. Jesus shall have all the acclaim - Away he took the sins of the world: He gave Himself in our place - Henceforth, what will He not give? Hallelujah! Rejoice! Come, praise, never be silent!tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion |