Llefara Arglwydd air mewn pryd

(Erfyniad am adatguddiad
o ogoniant Iesu Crist)
Llefara, Arglwydd, air mewn pryd,
  Dod ysbryd, i dy garu,
Datguddia i mi'r odfa hon,
  Ogoniant Person Iesu.

O garu gwag bleserau'r byd,
  Sy'n para o hyd i ddenu;
Dwg bechaduriaid daear gron,
  I garu'r Person Iesu.

Pe cawn y byd i gyd i'm rhan,
  Pa drysor gwan yw hynny?
Rhaid myn'd yn noeth i'r farn ger bron,
  O flaen y Person Iesu.

Pan byddo'r annuwiolion trist,
  Rhag golwg Crist yn crynu;
Bydd teulu Duw âg uchel dôn,
  Yn moli'r Person Iesu.
Caniadau Sion 1827

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Petition for a revelation
of the glory of Jesus Christ)
Speak, Lord, a word in time,
  May a spirit of loving thee come,
Reveal to me in this service,
  The glory of the Person of Jesus.

From loving the world's empty pleasures,
  Which continue still to attract;
Lead sinners of the round world,
  To love the Person of Jesus.

If I had the whole world as my portion,
  What an empty treasure is that?
I must go naked to the judgment before,
  The presence of the Person of Jesus.

When the sad ungodly be,
  From the gaze of Christ trembling;
May the family of God with a loud voice, be
  Praising the Person of Jesus.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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