Llwydd llwydd i bur efengyl gras

(Llwyddiant yr Egengyl)
Llwydd, llwydd i bur efengyl gras!
O! profed pawb
    ei rhin a'i blas:
  Cyhoedder llawn faddeuant rhad,
  A modd i'r brwnt
      gael llwyr lanhad.

Chwyth, udgorn, chwyth y newydd llon,
Ac aed y sain trwy'r ddaear gron;
  Llanwed yr hyfryd lais bob lle,
  Gorllewin, gogledd, dwyrain, de.

Ymdaened sôn o gylch y byd
Am angau'r groes
    a'r aberth drud;
  Cyfoded gwawr o Galfari,
  A doed yr hyfryd Jiwbili.

Bydd pêr Hosanna
    trwy bob gwlad
I Dduw am iechydwriaeth rad;
  Moliannu'r Oen
      fydd tôn pob iaith;
  Clodforir Ef
      trwy'r ddaear faith.
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angels' Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Beza (<1869)
Emyn Foreuol (Thomas Tallis c.1505-80)
Mainzer (J Mainzer 1801-51)
Ombersley (W H Gladstone 1840-92)
Plaistow (Magdalen Chapel Hymns 1890)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Sallwyr Genefa 1551)

gwelir: Ymdaened sôn o gylch y byd

(The Success of the Gospel)
Success, success to the pure gospel of grace!
O may eveyone experience
    its virtue and its taste:
  To be published is full, free forgiveness,
  And a means for the filthy
      to have complete cleansing.

Blow, trumpet, blow the joyful news,
And let the sound go through the round earth;
  Let the delightful voice fill every place,
  West, north, east, south.

May a sound spread around the world
About the death of the cross
    and the dear sacrifice;
  May the dawn of Calvary rise,
  And may the delightful Jubilee come!

There will be a sweet Hosanna
    through every land
To God for free salvation;
  Praising the Lamb
      will be the tune of every language;
  He will be extolled
      throughout the wide earth.
tr. 2008,10 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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